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Posts posted by barrybaines
  1. if you can hop the front end round or indeed the back at the bottom of the hill so you are straight, or be very smooth with the throttle and as you straighten up apply it more, again nice and smooth whilst squating down therfor pushing the back in for traction. also have your knees bent whilst turning allowing the bike to move freely in the turn.

    My thoughts anyway but hey I am generally off the bike more than on :D

  2. Carb is an easy to sort issue that seems to get more bad press than nessacery all the mods can be found on the `sticky` thread in the Beta forum or on the r2w pages. Stator problems also seem to be a hit and miss afair unfortuanatley I don't know of any ways of telling or predicting this problem however I will say that none of our group of riders have had an issue.

    Only one other thing is that they did have a period of poor quality water pump casings (or people just don't change the coolant enough?) and the only real way to check this is to remove the impellar cover and impellar to see the condition, worst case scenario here as long as you catch it before any damage is done, is a new case at around

  3. like the gear saunders is wearing.

    It's really nice up close too. I beleive he will soon be selling it, as soon as he can get it from the French :wacko:

    Exactly how 'close up' did you actually get then Barry :D

    Oh dear just after posting that I thought someone would say something like that :D What I meant was it looks good in real life, but young Alex did make me feel the knee pads on a pair of his trousers which was almost like a memory foam?

  4. If Lampkin had a pre production one at hawkstone, did anyone get a pic of it. i dont know why they want to change the airbox when its ok, i remember the way the air filter went on the early ones, what a b*****ks

    Hey Barry, do you know if anyone got a pic of it??!! :D

    Ummmm well I hope this wasn't a serious question? or am I the only person that can see the picture I posted a couple of posts back?

    Pre-production one was just that! 07 bike with the 08 engine and carb. No one was letting on about any possible frame changes nor the colour and what with Italy being on annual shut down for about 6 weeks now it will be a long wait till we know any more I think!

    My guess same frame white plastics with red and black decals

  5. Good work :D Welcome and good to hear you are enjoying the learning curve and although I kind of agree with Daggs, I would also say you are right that as long as you are not riding alone and are happy to push yourself you should learn quickly. Just have fun without being daft I suppose!

    Hope the wrist heals up quickly.

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