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Posts posted by barrybaines
  1. to repack my old montesa cota (1978) do I have to cut the chamber open?

    since it doesn't have a fancy unscrew able end plate. It is simply a welded up metal can.

    Would it then be worth bolting the hole shut so in future I can repack it without needing a welding torch?

    Could be worth asking this in the Montesa forum rather than the Beta one?

  2. Sweet shop or Pie shop :wub: (sorry Ralph couldn't help it)

    I wanna come down again soon and shall try talking Heath into it failing that I should finally have transport again soon so shall get down there again soon some way or another

  3. Personall opinions of the lads that would serve us best this year are:





    and for the following year:





    Seriously our younger guys are out of this world already and I think a full years experiance of the top BC rides for both Brown and Wigg will do wonders and I would be surprised not to see a British winner indoors outdoors and everywere else for consecutive years from now untill who knows when with how young these guys are! Now all we do need to tackle is the young Mr. Bou our only flaw to the immediate future

  4. Its all the boy racers Andrew :D BP know where the market place is for 102 octane, they'll sell **** loads in MK. I did here its on trial at a few garages around the UK to see how it goes, should be on par with AvGas with abit of luck without the much higher cost. Will save us blagging we have a GulfStream now at Kidlington Airport <_<

    I wouldn't try your bike on Jet fuel it won't burn. JetA1 is basically very clean (no physical contaminents) parafin. Someone will probably come back now and tell us all the breakdown of the fluid and its NAS class but basically diesel is much closer to jet fuel than petrol is.

    Think Justin is talking about avgas as used in piston engined aircraft as in microlights etc rather than fuel used in turbine engines

  5. Certainley is Zippy!

    I thought I should expand a little on the reasons a carbon bash guard would be no good to.....

    As your bash guard makes up part of the frame structure once it would have taken a few hits from rocks the resin within the weave will have all but smashed to pieces leaving you with in effect a very expensive sheet of soft fabric sagging under neath your bike!

    Ally ones that come as standard are fairly light and to be honest strong enough to be drilled out like the after market ones you see for the 4rt etc. or infact if you compare the 2007 Beta ones to all previous models you will see they are drilling to save the extra 5 grams! Only down side I have found to all the drilling is the amount of extra crap the makes its way in and around the engine.

    Now Ti would not only spark but looks bloody nice is about twice as strong as steel (weight for weight comparison) so you could, money provided have a very nice looking sparky bash guard at very little weight.

    All this said what do the top guys use? I reckon they are on Ally ones! If you really must loose that extra gram leave the packet of crisps in the cupboard <_<

  6. My degree is some time in the future yet but I am doing it too allow me to move about as I wish!

    Tell us all Tim how is the practise area/play time on a trials bike? is it frowned upon as it is in the UK? Have you got parks like those on the r2w site in AU? or are there just plenty of places to ride?

  7. If you are in the position to be able to make a living and happily move too NZ personally I would dive at the chance! My main reasons would be the great way of living portrayed by the extreme sports and by the many friends that have visited. Sounds like where I should be! (maybe after I get the degree?)

  8. Well today seen me enter my first organised (term used lightly!) cycle ride... Bristol's biggest bike ride, I entered the Clevedon challange which in itself was only 38 miles but fairly hilly. Obviously I live in Chepstow so thought I may as well start from home to add a few extra miles.

    So you have a fully orgaised event that on all the main roads with decent signage would you

    A: Put all your event arrows and marshalls here or

    B: make more use of them on the country lanes with no signs?

    Now the answer to this for me is fairly straight forward but it would seem not to the organisers! Better still at a T junction there was an event sign that had in words "TURN RIGHT" now this didn't make sense but you put a bit of faith in the organisers and go with it as did many other entrants, but after some 5 or 6 miles we all said this can't be right and headed back in the other direction turning the incorrect sign around so the writing was on the back.

    So after all the rain and nearly bottling out this morning I am very pleased I made the effort and feel great for it. Mileage for anyone interested was from door to door 75.79 miles making this one of, if not my longest ride to date and a total for the past 3 weeks full on training is a fairly respectable 548 miles.

    BRING ON AUGUST 26th :o

  9. ^ As ^above, but it would have to be right out side my house so I could go there every day.

    I'm lazy you see.


    Not being funny like but if I won the lottery (more than the tenner I won on Wednesday :thumbup: ) but there could easily be living arangements organised to make the indoor arena central(ish) if not a little South to get the lads going :D

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