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Everything posted by ned1
  1. hi, i snapped my kickstart gear the other week, so i've bought a new kikcstart gear, installed it, although i now cnt seem to get it too spring back. Has anyone got any ideas? i'm really stuck and would massively apreciate any help. also has anyone got a link for those gasgas maintenance videos? thanks alot chris
  2. ned1


    Also got some of these - total cr@p - boots leaked like a sieve from new, despit copious Nikwax & the "waterproof" liner wasn't - again from new. Why they should be so poor I don't know, my Daytona Roadstar boots that I use on my GS have been with me for 10 years & 80K miles and are still totally waterproof, I know you can't expect that degree of longevity on a trials boot but surely they should be better from new than most seem to be - on talking to other riders it seems this lack of quality is accepted as inevitable Shan't be buying any more of them Diadora's - don't know what to go for though - which is why I was looking at this thread Ade thanks alot for the info, i were gna buy the new stone pro's but i think i'l give them a miss now, i think im going to get some gaernes
  3. ned1


    i have found that xc ting sell boots and they are well cool !!! does anybody on here know where they are sold? thanks alot chris
  4. Is any one else spectating on sunday?...is there any where to park up there? cheers chris
  5. hmmmm i have some very slight movement up and down, i think i'm going to replace my bottom shock bolt, i never even thought of doing that tbh thanks guys (Y)
  6. i've been thinking about going to bumpy in leeds although it's about an hour away from my house, so if it isn't like fairly good i'm not going to bother to be honest. has any one else been there?
  7. ned1


    iv'e just realised that there all balance boots, i think im going to get sum of the gaerne boots in brown thanks alot guys
  8. ned1


    i have gearne balence fit like a glove and never broke! where did you get your gaerne balance boots from? ... i can find the classics and the oiled ones although i can't find the balance. I like the look of the gaerne boots alot! ... although what's the difference between the normal ones and the oiled ones? cheers chris
  9. buy one you can't beat a gasser, i have one now and as soon as iv'e saved up enough cash il buy another!!!
  10. i've had a quick scan around the forum and found a topic on boots, although it wasn't very helpful. I am basically looking for sum new boots, iv tried on some alpinestars and found them amazing in comparison to my forma grippers, although they are a little pricey i was just wondering what boots you guys use?..and basically some advantages and disadvantages?.. thanks alot chris
  11. hi ruffrider, the venue looks very good , 9 acres ... a trials park. it's about an hour away from my house so im definatly up for going. My bikes broke at the moment but i'l be there in a bout 3 or 4 weeks. Il pm you when im able to go. Thanks alot fot eh info pal can't wait to check it out (Y)
  12. Does anybody know of any practice venues in lancashire or yorkshire? i'm really struggling for places other than back cowm to practice cheers chris
  13. sound good although i did notice or it reads like only the club members can ride on the land, will it not be open to people who arn't a member of the club.... if it's good id pay good money to go there although does anybody know how long it takes to get from lancs to milton keynes? lol
  14. any one? lol if it isn't open is there anymore practice venues in the lancashire/yorkshire area? thanks guys
  15. http://www.dzign-uk.com/ there u go blud (Y)
  16. Is addingham open again or not? ... i drove past on sunday and i could see some vans up there from the bottom road. thanks for any help chris
  17. ned1


    i tried on a pair of alpinestars boots at colin appleyards the other day, i don't think they are as smart as some of the other boots on the market although there are uuuuuuber comfy. there going to be my next pair of boots nyhoos definatly. there a little pricey but well worth the money in my opinion.
  18. ned1

    Flood Aid?

    im sorry if i offend anyone on here but i think sending aid etc. to africa is a joke!...especially when there are people in your own country that needs the money. e.g, floods, nspca etc.
  19. you can get your wheels anodized at www.candywheels.co.uk (Y)
  20. i have hebo gear, it's fairly good quality and has lasted a fair while and with it being like an elasticy material it stretches a bit so you don't grow out of it all that quickly. Although i must admit the top has faded and rips/pulls etc. fairly easily.
  21. i'm not sure how to take the pads out although if you take them out, rub them with a fairly course sand paper until there clean and then burn them slightly with a lighter it sterilises the pads and makes them like brand new. Although you also have to de-contaminate the disc aswell, i use terps to do this, you just put sum on a clean rag and wipe the disc down, although remeber to wash the disc very very thourghly afterwards with water!!!
  22. it's not the previous years bike just 'dressed up' it's the next years bike modded up...i think the raga reps are a great idea, basically you get a tricked out bike at a lower cost than if you wanted to do it bit by bit. They also perform better, hence the magnesium swingarm and crankcase also the kehin carb. The raga reps are a great idea so are the 125 racing models aswell (Y)
  23. ned1

    Rear Shock Question

    i have the same shock on my pro 2005 i think :S....i set mine up sweet using a guide in trialsworld if i can find it il post it up on here. i also backed my damper adjustment or whatever it is fully off, my mate played with his and it fell off lol.
  24. a couple of quid...it s atenner pal although it is a good day out i did prefer addingham though
  25. shirty recomends putting 400ml in 05 gassers aswell. although it does say 500ml in the handbook.
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