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Everything posted by ned1
  1. i know how stupid tyhis is going to sound but what about a kehin carb? there ment to smooth out and soften the lower end and you get masses of top end power as bonus
  2. ned1

    Trials Vid

    great vid! you all look really good especially the guy on the 04 mont
  3. you caqn get some from www.trialsbits.co.uk iv got some of the pastic ones but i cut them down so they just protect the fork legs because it was hard to clean behind them when they were bigger and i think they look cooler like they are now but ive also got some of those neoprene fork protectors which help loads to stop fork seals going i got those from sandifords. errrrrrr the fork leg protectors are about
  4. ned1

    Renthal Sprockets

    im sorry if this is a bit of a duff question but do renthal make a 9 tooth front sprocket? i cant find one anywhere the only one i can find is a talon one and im not too sure about the quality in comparison to the renthal stuff, or is talon just as good? thanks in advance chris
  5. err got some fatbars i personally think they feel better but i got them more because they look cool to be honest
  6. if you ride every weekend at Back Cowm, yes it can add up to a few quid but there is over 100 acres to ride on, and a tenner aint much when you put a least a grand down on a half decent bike and put 20 quid in the van/car to get there and five in the bike to ride i havnt been to back cowm quarry in aaaaaaages because of the huge price increase and neither have my mates, the only time i will go back cowm quarry is a day when its not too hot and not too cold, the perfect temperature and i will get there for the 9.30 opening and i will go at sun down, i think that this is the only way to get your moneys worth at back cowm, or as you say ride more comps
  7. Speak to munch at M sport, he has more knowledge than anyone IMHO on this subject. Tell him what you want and he will write that map!!!!!!!!!!! 01438 742724. Stocks the mitani parts aswell I think. does m sport have a website?
  8. nicfe one! update us with its performance
  9. guna have a go on my bike i thbink its a gasgas though, it shud still work though.shudnt it? o and how much material shall i remove?
  10. ned1

    07 Pro Spec?

    the clutch and gearbox are suppost to be of a better quality.
  11. hmmmm wont douing this make the engine spin faster? and also this cant make the bike that much lighter so whats the point?
  12. ned1

    Pro Torque Settings

    thanks alot r2w really apreciate thanks alot just one more question ive seen some boysen reeds on trialsbits my question is will they make alot of difference to the power of my 125cc? and also will i need to buy a new reed box? or iv seen some v-force reeds on the r2w site can i get some of them for my gasgas? thanks alot chris
  13. hi everyone, is there any torque settings on the gasgas engine? iv stripped it and am ready to rebuild it but i need to know if theres any torque settings as i xcant find any in my handbook. thanks alot ! chris
  14. can you get those '06 clutch springs for an '05 125 pro? or are the '05 and '06 spring the same?
  15. im sorry if this is rather off topic majicmat but i've just had a thought PJ1 Silverfire Competition Smokeless Premix Oil, Synthetic Blend but this is the pj1 oil im running are you running the same? also is this oil ok to be in the gasgas as it is a 'synthetic blend not fully synthetic'?
  16. i'd say stick with the pj1 i think iv got a smokeless one or something but the castrol is poor in comparison to the pj1 although steer waaaaaaaaaay clear of pj1 chainlube it is complete and utter crap!
  17. check this out this is how good beta's are! http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9934
  18. i think steves right there on all parts montesa 315 are very reliable...my dad has an '04 one and he's had no problems with it although it is down to personal preferance have a go on as many bikes as possible and see which one you prefer!
  19. i have read this topic over and over again and have notived that in the majority of cases people have been saying that gasgas's are crap (the people who have) well the bikes they have had trouble with are older bikes rather than the newer models so they are obviously going to be crap in comparison to say an '06 bike. also the gasgas is much lighter than all of the other bikes on the market so are better for a begginner to use because they can haul it around alot bewtter yet experts can do there stuff ie. flick turns easily in them. i have had no problems with my '05 125cc gasgas other than recently the big end bearing has gone. they are no more maintenance than the betas if you look after them correctly, i see time and time again bikes being took up to the quarry or whatever with dirt still on from the last ride and i have friends that don't clean them properly or maintain them properly so they do have problems with them. i say get one but just do regular maintenanbce and it will be fine.
  20. ned1

    Boysen Reeds

    ok thanks nigel
  21. If i were you i would stick with Beta. last year my gasser txt 125 2000 had a lot of problems. i ended up having to re build the whole new backwheel because the hub cracked in half! Now i have a Beta 06, and the fact that it may be a bit heavier than a GasGas is not an issue, as i find i am improving much quicker than i would have done on my gasser. yes but realise ytour going from a 2000 model to a 2006 model huuuuuuuuuuge difference!6 years of development infact. id vote gasgas!
  22. ned1

    Boysen Reeds

    hi, can you get boysen reeds for a gasgas 125cc 2005 model? also where can i purchase them from and for how much? o and are they carbon?lol thanks alot chris
  23. steve colley i saw him ride at addingam trial and he were messin about back hopping at the end of sections and i saw him tapping a guy on the back with the front wheel it was ace
  24. lewis pm sir trial alot he will sort you out with your rims doing he pm'd me with a really good price for all of my wheels doing :thumbup:im just saving up the funds for them doing now.
  25. does anybody know whether trial cast are able to make those flywheel covers? they'l surely must be a must have if they can i'l try and find a picture of one. http://www.trialcast.co.uk/trialcastgaller...lery/index.html found one they are soooooo cool!
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