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Everything posted by ned1
  1. i think all black rims look waaaay better although the polished edge seems to be more practical....now i have looked into gettin black rims with the polished edge with an anodized or powder coated or whatever hub with stainless spokes but it ends up at like
  2. hmmmm all of this stripping down after every ride seems oober exsessive after each ride i basically clean my bike and dry it,oil footpegs chain etc.errrr aiming at doing the linkage bearings every 6 monmths change oil around every 3 rides.clutch plates when they go oil filter every errr 2-3 weeks.take wheels off every 2 weeks and clean them right up grease etc and also take off the chain and sprocket and clean them let air out of forks and this seems to make a humungous change to them.also please could you inform me on cleaning the carb i have only done it once but i dont think i did a very good job because well i didnt really clean it to be honest but please inform me on cleaning it maybe a step by step guide would be super helpful thanks chris
  3. a beast game!nice find mate
  4. hi all, i start my aprenticeship soooooon and i have decided that i want to beast my bike up!i have an 05 gasgas 125 and already have gold fat bars but i want too pimp it! has any one got any ideas engine mods and ashtetic mods are what im looking for so any suggestions, money is no object...as i am soon a working man!woop woop!
  5. ned1

    Got Flywheel?

    im sorry if this is alittle off topic but arnt trals bikes suppost to have a snappy lower end? i can nderstand why you would want a smoother top end for hill climbs etc. but for rocks and going for hills with no run up is it not better if the bike sort of pops?also how much weight would the fly wheel weight add or will this be unnoticable?
  6. im pretty sure you can just run normal oil in it.my das 315's cluth is stupidly sharp althhough he seems to have got used to it.he is a beginner by the way although he can now get up some decent rocks!
  7. get one iv'e got one on my bike and there waaaaaaaaaay better than the usual crappy thing.
  8. aparently this will make no difference as aparently the area in the larger mc is exactly rhe same as the smaller one although i doubt this...i cant just remember who told me thugh...i were guna put a bigger mc on my gasser but never got round to it. or you could get hold of a mitani 3 stage progressive clutch i believe you can obtain one of these off <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central> the website is <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central>....i thinkk please somebody correct me if this is wrong.
  9. howdy, does anybody know the date for the british national trial thats held at addingam?my dad wants to go and watch!
  10. i am english and suppose i should back doug but riders like raga,bou,wigg,fajardo...there all beast..more beast than lampkin!
  11. i voted 50/50 because i like to go to a trial and them not to be to easy but not too hard either so come away and feel as though it was challenging but i tried my best and really enjoyed it.
  12. hmmmm i think it's probably the clutch plates....mine went not so long ago and my bike dragged like hell because the clutch wouldnt disengage.It is a really simple job and should take you about 30 minutes although i also changed the spring and washers in the piston of the clutch(inside the casing).Although i would bleed it first to see if that works if not replace the spring and washers and that in the clutch piston(inside the case)and see if that works if not new plates definatly i think! hope i've helped o and altogether it cost me about
  13. ive had this problem and how annoying is it i basically gt the tyre took off..took off the rim tape and took out the valve, cleaned the spokes and everything thats under the rim tape ie.spokes..a wire brush works the best i found.Then purchased a new rim tape,a heavy duty one and also a new valve,i put on the valve but before i put the rim tape on i caned loads a silicone on make sure you get into all the nooks and krannis though and rght round the valve but not where air go's through it obviously.Put the rimtape back on and let it cure for like 2 days or something put your tyre back on and it shud never leak again
  14. do you not think a frequently ask questions or faq section could be added instead of a 'begfinners guide' this way people can post topics that always come up such as tyres...what should i get? people could just do a review on all the tyres or tyres they have delt with ie.michelin,dunlop etc. this way there would be alot less 'repeated topics'.
  15. i've got an iris chain...there crap dont get one!get a renthal or someting like what the other guys are saying...i snapped an iris chain by accidentally scraping it on a rock!!!the link snapped in half and they stretch very easily mines on it's way out already and i'vbe only had it since crimbo!!!!!!!!
  16. they are good value for the money.people say they are uncomfortable or dont become supple although mine have it's been a year but they have done lol although im going to buy some hebo or gaerne boots next...only because they look smarter and say either hebo or gaerne on them though! .....also bvm motos told me that the formas are exactly the same as the diadora stone pro 2's and that there made in the same factory!!!!!!!! so theres no diference between formas and diadoras!!!!!!!
  17. ned1

    Which Bike

    cool bike...iv jsut ordered one off tarty
  18. mmmmmmm.....my bike is so nice i am going to attempt to kiss the front tyre!!!
  19. my mates use maxxis creepy crawlers but after a couple of weeks theyre gone so i tend to use a cheap tyre.although if he does ride alot of natural stuff for example rocks get him the maxxis creepy crawlers there mint tyres!and if you tell the guys at tarty the bike theyll probably know which tyre you'll need.
  20. i usually ride the internediate sections although it does depend on what club. for example bradford trials are usually really hard...or the ones that i have rode are...so i will ride the lowest route although for another club il ride intermediate, it just depends on the level of the comp.
  21. i well wont that raga rep its soooooooo nice and is the 07 125 going to have ablack frame?
  22. ned1


    i have gold renthal fatbars with renthal clmps they are amazing and look immense although it can sometimes blag getting the hooks on the straps over them...get some theyr'e fat!!! haha get it...well i think im losing the plot!!!
  23. iv just watched the lastest moto gp event and boy o boy was it a race in the end my favourite rider dani pedrosa fell off on the last lap!!!and he could of won it but it was a a brilliant race!!!
  24. ned1

    Montesa Airbox

    by filling up the little hole on the filter cover will it not make it so tht the filter cannot suck in air?????
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