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Everything posted by ned1
  1. ned1


    mitani make performance parts for mainly montesa's although they do make stuff for other bikes aswell! personally i think they are pretty cool and one day aspire to do what they do! because they have the ultimate engineering job!
  2. ned1


    mitani-ms what do you think of these mitani vids? most of the website is translated into english! has anybody got any other new videos? click on the link and then right click and save on each sample.
  3. ned1

    Gas Gas Or Beta

    how biased is this going to be as you put the question up in a beta specific forum? anyway the no1 bike is most defintly the gasgas!!!!!!!! theyr'e lighter than the beta's, i think theyr'e cheaper, you can get better aftermarket parts for them, basicly they are the best! i mean come adam raga, jeroni fajardo, alexz wigg. gasgas has a repuation of only the best riders for the best bikes!!!!!!!!!!
  4. after reading an article on the tc forum about greasing the linkages in gasgas swingarms i have built up the confidence to have a go. although what grease should i use? is there a special sort? and where can i get a diagram of the swingarm exploded? thanks alot NED1.
  5. DON'T OVER TIGHTEN YOUR CHAIN! if you have your chain too tight it could pull apart your gearbox. a similar thing happens on the pedal bikes if you have a front freewheel. the freewheel just literally pulls apart!
  6. that is definatly one groovy mudguard!!!!!!!!!!
  7. i liked the dvd alot, especially the youth bits as they don't get coverae alot.
  8. i prefer it when the experts start at one section and everyone else at another because the sections don't get too busy and you can talk more with the other riders around you because they are all your ability level.
  9. i'm not allowed a new bike, just parts or clothes or something!
  10. i just go down to the bike shop and have them fit it for
  11. it's my 16th birthday in the next month and i simply cannot decide on what to get. could you please help me as i am very very stuck. thanks.
  12. thank god every one elses gasgas clunks when going from 4th to 5th! i thought i'd wrecked my gearbox! also i change my oil every 2-4 rides and my bike runs pretty well.
  13. i've had my '05 gasgas since last april but i have never taken the linkages off the swingarm and gease them how do you do that?
  14. ned1


    thanks a ton lewis!
  15. ned1


    i've been on a jitsie website recently although i cannot remember the web address! can anybody help.
  16. what is the jitsie website?
  17. motrax is this chain any good? i mean the 2.0 metre superlink one.
  18. thanks for all of the suggestions and i think that i am definately going to bolt my garage door down from the inside!!!!! although it's what to do with the side door that is troubling me?????
  19. after reading a recent topic, the one where the guy got his two bikes back, i just want to know what security everyone else uses to stop the scum of the earth from nicking your bike.
  20. i like the punch card system, because i can see how many marks i have got.
  21. i've already tried to get at it with a hacksaw but the bolt is countersunk and is below flush with the plastic so i can't reach into it with a hacksaw, thanks for the suggestion thuogh. keep the suggestions comin' thanks!
  22. go for a montesa 4rt. theyr'e well made and unlike the gasgas's every bolt you touch won't round off!!!!!!
  23. i've just rounded off the air filter bolt on my 2005 gasgas! does anybody know how i might get it out? thanks alot ned1.
  24. go definatly for the 2004 magura hs33's, the 2005 ones are just rubbish. the adjuster always breaks. and also when they need bleeding, bleed them in a bucket with water! this gives the lever a much better feel, although watch out when it's cold as they'll freeze, although this has not yet happened to me.
  25. ned1

    Txt Vs Pro

    my mate had a sherco and disliked and has gone back to gasgas as it was easy to maintain, but everything broke on it! although i ride a gasgas i wouldn't mind a beta or montesa any day they are brill bikes! (but not as good as gasgas!!!!!!!!!!)
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