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Everything posted by ned1
  1. ned1

    Keihin Carb.

    what would carbon fibre reeds do? these are probably what i mean and have got confused.
  2. ned1


    hi lewis, i'm from lancashire near yorkshire or it even be in yorkshire, oh i don't know but i sometimes go up addingham moorside.
  3. ricksta what bike have you got?
  4. ned1

    315 2004 Pics

    my dad has an '04 mont, but how do you order stuff off mitani, have they got a uk website or something?
  5. ned1

    2 Stroke 4rt

    rt stands for racing trial! and why should montesa bring out another 2 stroke when the 4 strokes are selling like hot cakes?
  6. ned1

    Keihin Carb.

    carbon jets are just the same as normal jets, although i have heard that it will make the bike slightly more powerful.whether this is true or not i don't know, i just want to try some out to see what they do better.
  7. i just dry my wheels off after every wash and they arn't going rusty.
  8. ned1

    Keihin Carb.

    are keihin carbs much better than the standard one on my gasgas 125? and can i fit one?and also can i get carbon jets? thanks ned1
  9. ned1


    thanks for deleting them r2w and also thanks for the indoor video there's some good stuff on there!
  10. does any one know of some videos on the internet that i can download?
  11. come to addingham moorside and you'll see some real rocks there! it's not that long of a trip from texas anyway is it? LOL
  12. SILICONE!take the tyre back off and the rim tape and silicone all the way around where the rim tape should go. put extra on where the spokes are and refit the valve and put loads under and around that,then put your rim tape on whilst the silicone is still wet. wipe off any execess. leave it to dry over a couple of days and then refit your tyre. if this does not work try a new valve and re silicone. if this does not work then you probably have a puncture. the silicone trick worked for me only last week, although i fitted a brand new rim tape and valve. to make there is no water coming from around the valve and spoke are spit onto your thumb and finger, not a greeny though as they don't work, just rub it around the spokes and valve but you need quite alot, and just watch for any bubble, if non appear then it's obviously a puncture. hope i've helped chris.
  13. IM GETTIN ONE! what do you lot think of them?am i better off getting a beta or sticking with what i know, gassers?
  14. there's a place called back comwm quarry in whitworth, that's really good, and join darwen mc, theres a website, it's www.darwenmc.co.uk
  15. the best thing to do is to get a stiff brush and scrub them down, then dry them. now take a shallow boil and half fill it with boiling water, now take your tin of nikwax and put it in, wait for it to melt and put it on with a dry, clean cloth. make sure you put alot on the stitching because this is where most of the water will get into your boots.
  16. Englands rocks rule! i mean come on we do pump out the best riders in the world!
  17. ned1


    Hi everyone, i am now officially a member! can't wait for darwen trials to start, they're buzzin! cool smilie!>
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