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  1. Neither of the pictures i posted is of the bikes my friend have looked at. These are just pictures from the internet. I was told today the Raga with gold painted frames was sold in 2009 and 2010 and this by a person that repairs Gas Gas bikes. Well, now i know what the difference is. My friend looked at another bike today. It is a 2015 Jotagas JTG that looks not to have been abused and the bike have a really nice price as well. But i really do not know so much about Jotagas either other than what i have read about it here on the forum
  2. A friend of me had a Beta he sold and he regrets it so he wants to buy a used Gas Gas TXT. We have looked at ad`s for both 2012 Gas Gas TXT 300 Racing and a 2009 or 2010 Gas Gas TXT 300Raga. This bike have the gold painted frame and was it not the 09 and 10 that came with agold painted frame. Can any body tell what the diffence is of these models? If there is any differnce other than the paint on the frame and engine
  3. Thanks a lot for you replys here ☺️ ☺️ What i can tell you about this bike is that when cold and the choke on it usually (not usually but always) starts on the first kick and if not it starts on the scond kick. When the bike warm it always starts on the first kick. The bike works perfect and i have had no problems with this bike. Since this TXT Pro have had the electric fan wired so the fan motor runs all the time i do not know if the engine speed change if the fan is connected -disconnected I will check the thermostat in hot water since i have a feeling that the thermostat is broken so that is why the previous owner wired it so it runs all the time.. I would think having the electric fan motor working all the time do wear the electric fan motor out faster compared to having the electric fan motor starting to work when the thermostat send signal for the fan motor to run or what do think? If i put a bypass toggle switch on it to manually control the fan i will probably forget to switch the fan on so i will nott do that. If bypass toggle switch works like an on off switch that is. I was not aware of the fact that the engine idle speed to change when the fan kicks in. I have to check my settings on this website since i do not get emails when my post get a reply
  4. I guess the thermostat on this bike i not working as it is supposed to since they have wired the electric fan so it runs all the time. On 1 of my Gas Gas TXT Pro bikes the fan is wired so it runs all the time. I supposed that i should i wire it back so it kicks in according to the thermostat Having the fan running all the time is not best for the electric fan motor so what do you think?
  5. I would think the most easy way to lower the compression is to shim the spark plug. All you will have to do is to put a washer on the spark plug so the spark plug sits higher. Having said that i do not know if putting a washer on the spark plug is not recomended but i am sure other members here on the forum knows. I have read about people doing this to lower the compression but if it works it is not much job to lower the compression just by putting on a washer on the spark plug. My 2006 Gas Gas TXT 125 Pro and a 2006 Gas Gas TXT 250 Pro starts really easy. When the bike is cold i put the choke on and the bike usually starts on the first or second try. When the bike is warm i jus give it a little throttle and it starts on the first try
  6. There are incorrect descriptions both in the paper manual that came with the bike when new and also the PDF owner's manual for 2006 Gas Gas TXT Pro. I noticed this the first time i had a look at the manual. There might be more wrong stuff in the manual for what i know. Is it typical for Gas Gas to have incorrect info in the owners manual? Does other years of Gas Gas TXT have incorrect info as well? Have a look at the 3 pictures posted below. The pictures below is of page 20, 22 and 29 in the manual.
  7. I asked a seller on ebay about the decal set and the below is the question i asked and the ebay sellers reply: My question: Hello. I just wonder if this decal set for Gas Gas TXT Pro is made of thin vinyl that applied on the bike using soapy water or if is more thick decals with glue on the backside? I have 2 TXT Pro bikes i am thinking of replacing the decals on. Hope for a quick reply Regards The ebay sellers answer: Hi they are printed on high tack self adhesive vinyl & laminated with thick MOTO X quality gloss laminate making them a thick decal. Regards
  8. So the decal sets are made of film that you use soapy water when applying it on the bike. This film is so thin. I thought it was kin of "thick" stickers with glue on the backside. I once had a company close to where i live making a proper decals set for an old TXT 321 for me and i do not think i paid more for that job than what the decal set cost on ebay. Perhaps if i buy a decal set and have this compane just use them as templates and have the company make a proper set of decals with glue on the backside is the way to go?
  9. Jus back home from the post office after getting the new float valve/needle in the mail for my TXT Pro. When looking at the picture of the spring loaded needle i still think that if you take out/off the spring for the needle will not make any diffence at all since the needle will go up and shut off the fuel when the float chamber is full just as easy (if not more easy) without the spring. The spring loaded needle sit on the carburetor just like it is shown on the picture so what the spring does is to push the needle down towards floats You can see where i have tried to draw a yellow spring
  10. It is this combo posted by agiow: 9 / 48 is the way to go on a 125 GasGas you are agree on right? I have 9 / 46 on the bike right now so i do not think i woulld notice any difference going up to 49 or 50 rear sprocket
  11. I might try it if it will produce a noticeable change 😊 😊 If it is not the "big" thing on the 2005 TXT 125 Pro i can use the sprockets on my TXT 250 Pro
  12. They sell complete new decal sets for trial bikes on eBay for a cheap price so i wonder if any here on the forum have put on these new decal sets? If you have put a new decal set on your bike so please tell us about the quality of the decal sets and please post a picture of your bike with new decals 😊 😊 The picture below of a decal set for a Gas Gas TXT Pro is from ebay, UK
  13. On my Gas Gas TXT 125 Pro i have a 9 tooth front sprocket (if i counted it correct) and what i think is a 46 rear sprocket. If i go for a 11 tooth front sprocket and a 49 tooth rear sprocket will i notice any differnce? I must say that i have a feeling that i will not notice any special differnce if i replace the front 9 tooth and rear 46 tooth sprockets with 11 t and 49 t sprockets or am i wrong?
  14. Thanks for posting the picture and the help 😊😊 The fuel/air mixture screw i have on the bike is the one to the right without the spring (Screw number 3 from the left) The fuel/air mixture on my bike is turned out 2 turns as the bike is today (it runs great) But i will turn the out the fuel/air screw close to 2 more tuns out so it will be 4 turns out from fully closed and check how that works 😊 You are absolute correct about screws can vibrate loose and fall off so i usually checks that. I have to say that when i check for loose screws i have never checked any adjustemnt screws on the carburator. Update! I have adjusted the fuel/air screw from fully in to a little over 3 turns out. With the fuel/air screwed out a little over 3 turns compared to 2 rounds out it used to be i can not tell any difference of the mixtture settings. When adjusted the fuel/air screw out 4 turns the screw feels a little to loose so for my liking. I think that there is a chance the fuel/air screw can vibrate loose. Anyway the bikes runs great with the fuel/air mixture screw adjusted out a little over 3 turns out from fully closed. The bike starts really easy both cold using the choke and warm with a little throttle with this mixture setting.
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