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matti ghofen

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Everything posted by matti ghofen
  1. Does anyone know the how tight the sprocket nut should be please? Cheers, MG
  2. I've bought a 10t sprocket. It's so small that the chain fouls the locking tab at the hex corners of the nut. I'm going to modify the lock tab so it only folds onto the flats of the nut. Cheers
  3. What sprocket sizes would you recommend for trials? My bike has 11x43 fitted, but it feels a bit too quick for me in first gear at its lowest revs... I'd like the bike to go slower when things are getting difficult. I'm a complete novice on a trials bike.
  4. Thanks folks. I think my problem is pad material, possibly a worn drum liner and the brake cable. The cable seems to squeeze under full pull. The metal outer cable end at the handle bar end is collapsed too.... trying too hard to stop? Tony, I am going to try your suggestion of the re-lining with a trials appropriate material matched to the diameter of the hub liner. I have had the following reply from another line of enquiry; ' if you have the 'waterproof' grooved shoes it needs 2 weeks written notice if you want to stop! There are 2 solutions, one cheap, the other can be expensive. Cheap option is to have your shoes relined by Villiers Services with a decent material suitable for trials. They do a lot of these so will know what lining you need. They do various thicknesses of lining so you can ensure you get your shoes as good a fit as possible even with worn drums. Expensive option is to fit another hub or even the whole wheel from a PE175/250 or a RM125/250. The very expensive option is to fit the twin leading shoe hub from a RM500 but a front wheel with brake plate could set you back upwards of £300. I had a Cub with a worn front hub, I fitted new 'waterproof' shoes and it was hopeless. I even snapped the front brake cable trying to stop on a descent in Belgium! I went to the expense of having the hub relined to match the shoes and it was no better! I had the shoes relined with a decent material and it was like a disc, I could actually do stop pies' Thanks MG
  5. I've read quite a bit about the poor front brake on these bikes... mine is the same. Has anyone successfully modified theirs.... lengthened the hub cam brake lever maybe? Does anyone know if the front brake & hub from another bike would fit? Regards, MG
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