Hi all, I was contemplating doing this mod but after changing my oil this weekend but have now opted not to. I have an 08 Rev 3 and up until last weekend have been using Putoline GP10. Bike has never started in gear, I could never find neutral when bike is running and the clutch plates always stick/bike jumps when selecting gear starting from cold. I decided to try the Putoline Nanotrans.... Wow what a difference. On first start, plates were not stuck and I found neutral while the bike was running with ease. Clutch seemed far smoother yet sure solid bite. Highly recommended (now £19.99 a tub online so a decent price)
Anyone know when the midland centre is going to add 2016 fixtures to the website?
Anyone know if modern bikes are allowed at tomorrow's gvmcc trial? Also, anyone know if there is likely to be space to enter on the day as a guest?
Lacquer the guards when you replace the decals. They won't peel that way
Rev 3 for me. Solid bike, loads of choice with that budget - 08s are around this price now
I dont understand why you are set on a 300? It's apparent that you have other bikes etc but why start trials on a 300? It's not going to give you any more advantage than a 200 or 250 at novice level. 250 will feel more than enough, take it from those here that have been there and made those mistakes. If you're buying new, last thing you want to do is get it wrong. 250 would be best compromise imho
I'm tempted with that Dabill bike...
Yeah I was there, was a shame as it was a good trial
So apparently the S3 pipe needs different orings according to my local trials dealer. Not sure why S3/gasgas do not supply this with the pipe. Pretty ***** if that is the case hmmm
This looks a good idea as I'm not far away in dia if the silicon doesn't work
Well it looks the same, all I can compare to is the pic I posted at the top. The dia is around 0.5 to 0.7 undersized compared to original (after measuring a few more times). I can't see that giving you enough annular thickness for a sleeve? The 125 version definitely has an adaptor/compression part. I bought from Gas Gas so I assumed it would all be there?
Ok, thanks for the responses. Found some flexibile Loctite at Halfords good for 350 degC, I'll give that a try!
Hi all,
Just wondering if someone can give me some advice regarding fitting a new S3 titanium exhaust to my Rev3. I have literally just done the install and thought everything had gone to plan.
I removed the old front pipe without issue, ordered a new exhaust gasket for the front end of the Ti pipe, ordered two new O-Rings for the centre-box end (all from Lampkins).
I cleaned everything up and installed the new O-Rings, inserted the pipe to the centre-box, added the gasket and torqued everything up.
When I started the bike up, it was evident that the exhaust was blowing at the centre-box section where the S3 exhaust feeds in. On closer inspection it was obvious that the fit of the pipe was not as close as that of the original pipe. When i put the vernier calipers across both pipes I could see that the Ti pipe is approx 0.5mm down on diameter relative to the original.
Has anyone else come across this? Am i missing something obvious? I cant imagine that just adding a load of gum type sealer will fix it. I'm starting to think i need to source different sized O-Rings to suit but what is everyone else doing? I select O-Rings daily in my job but i cant see why i should need to do this?
New standard ORings installed to centre-box
Centre-box section removed
Any help much appreciated!
Hi - which club ran this event? Was it open to modern bikes too? Would have been interested but missed this post!
Anyone know if this trial is on? time/location?
Its listed here http://www.midlandcentreacu.org.uk/page26.htmlbut has no detail and is not in the T&Mx...
Had a similar problem on my rev3 recently where the nut had become loose on the primary gear resulting in no compression on kick. I believe bvm retorqued it and added a tiny tiny bit of thread locker. Mechanic commented that he'd never seen this issue before...
Anyone know how they share the results? Email?
Was a very good trial, shame it wasn't better supported. There can't have been any more than 10 of us . On the plus side there were only a few sections unobserved
Cracking trial really enjoyed it. Dave, where abouts can I see the results? Where do you mean by "front page" cheers
Hi all, could do with some assistance re an issue experienced at a trial today. I have a 2008 beta rev 3. I managed to 5 section 6 today at my local trial, what was actually quite an innocuous looking bank. The bike went down on its side (all rather slowly and painlessly) and started to gain and gain revs (second gear, rear wheel was in fresh air going ten to the dozen). First thing I noticed was that the throttle wasn't stuck open. When I eventually cut the engine, and got the bike upright, the bike would not kick over. I noticed immediately that there was no resistance/a lack of compression when I tried to kick it. Each time I kick it in neutral it's as light as a feather and I can hear something spooling inside almost as if it's become disconnected from the crankshaft. I'm assuming that something has sheared off or I've destroyed the connection. I tried to bump start the bike but to no avail. Does anyone have any idea what the issue is most likely to be? Regards, Stew
Just a heads up that there is FIM trial world championship coverage this Thurs on motors TV, 10th Sept @ 6:55 pm
Eh? Can't remember the last trial I entered on a Hayabusa... :s
Thanks Simon. Do you know if I am able to join the glos and cots club as a member on the day? I think I've sorted my acu membership/licence but am not affiliated with a club at present (only recently moved to the area)
Hi all, is anyone riding in the cotton trophy trial next weekend nr Ross/Gloucester? Just want to gauge the level of the various marked routes as I'm fairly new to the area. I used to ride the 'A' harder route in midland centre 'B' grade trials, anyone know what would be comparable?