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Everything posted by trialsmm
  1. trialsmm

    Beta Oil Milky

    WHY ISN'T BEING SHOUTED FROM THE THE TALLEST BUILDINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "USE ONLY 100% COOLANT OR YOUR CASES WILL MELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" WATER KILLS MAGNESIUM CASES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The guy that buys a used bike is going to suffer for it, change your coolant and flush with new coolant, change often! Repeat!
  2. trialsmm

    Beta Oil Milky

    I'm I the last to find out that we should use 100% organic ELF coolant in our Beta's or any other modern magnesium cased motors?
  3. trialsmm

    Beta Oil Milky

    I noticed that coolant was leaking from the water pump housing on my '04 Rev 3, 250. I pulled the pump cover off!!!!!!!!!!! Very bad corrsion inside cover!!!!!! I hope I don't have to buy a side cover!!! Anyone filled this in with 'JB' weld? I plan on replacing the seal, bearing and gaskets anyway. First problem I've had. I should have changed the coolant more!!!!!!!!!! Mick
  4. I have a new generic Mukuni VM22 carb I fitted to my TY175, I had the flange tuned to make it a round mount. Please help with jetting. I have tried to match the stock jetting, but I was wondering if anyone has installed a new 'pre-jetted' VM22 carb on their TY? What is the jet sizes you have used? Main, Pilot, needle jet and needle? I'm sure I need to replace the needle but don't want to buy several and they not work. Thanks,
  5. I had a Beta with same problem, it was the diode retifier pack, a cheap part.
  6. trialsmm

    Ty175 Tuning

    I finally replaced the condensor and that fixed my problem. Now to finish with the paint!
  7. trialsmm

    Ty175 Tuning

    try gapping points so they only just open very small gap.put rag over screwdriver to wipe clean points.now try it.then put new points on if runs ok I have set the timing at .007" btdc with dial guage several times. Thanks, mm
  8. trialsmm

    New Ty175 Carb

    I installed a new Mikuni VM22 carb on my TY175, the carb is much different fron the old Mik. Does anyone have a recomendation for jetting. Should it be the same as old carb? I have installed a 3.0 slide and 190 main, 27.5 pilot and needle from old carb. Mick
  9. trialsmm

    Ty175 Tuning

    My rebuilt 1975 TY175 is running poorly. This is the first running since engine rebuild. It runs fair, but pops and kinda backfires. Doesn't want to idle. I've gone back and checked timing several times. I put a new carb on, but it still runs the same. Could it be the capacitor or coil? Any hints would be great! Mick
  10. Can a 2004 rev3 250cc topend be swapped out with a 200cc topend. Is it that easy?
  11. You don't need to do both front and rear sprocket. Going down 1 tooth on the front equals close to going up 3 teeth in the rear, then you need to buy a new chain. Retard the timing if ya can, plus slow throttle.
  12. trialsmm

    Synthetic Oil

    Amsoil make synthetic oils for motorcycle wet clutch applications. Not sure if others do? I've used Amsoil with good results, but now use Honda gear oil, just for ease of getting it.
  13. I just hope it doesn't have a BLACK frame!!!!!!
  14. Yes I do, email me at trialsmm@hotmail.com I think it would need a 4th over piston? I have a new head and base gasket. all could be had for $35.00 plus shipping. Size of cylinder would be garrenteed to be usable. The $20.00 without gaskets. Mick
  15. I need to check to bore again, then I'll let ya know. Send me an email, trialsmm@hotmail.com
  16. Do you need a TY175 cylinder and head? I have a extra set, and a parts bike. Macon,Ga.
  17. I have used black RTV silicon. Just press out between the fins, let it cure and works!
  18. If you could clean out all the old gas/oil mixture? I'd recoat with fiberglass rosin.
  19. How much oil does 1975 Fork tube require?
  20. I'm not talking about the stock flywheel. Follow this link, is the counter flywheel weight on this BETA PARTS site heavyier than stock? http://www.betamotor.info/parts/parts_tria...trial_main.html Mick
  21. Has anyone installed the optional heavy flywheel on a 250 Rev-3?
  22. From what I under stand all Rev 3 have the same stroke or bottom end, you just need a 200 kit. Cylinder, head and piston kit. Even the 270/250 can be made into a 200.
  23. I need a fork cap for a 1974 TY250, do any later fork caps fit?
  24. I've owned all brands,,,my favorite is my present bike, 2004 Beta Rev3 250cc!
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