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Everything posted by trialsmm
  1. trialsmm

    Back To Beta

    I've come back to Beta, from a '95 Techno, '99 GG and '02 Sherco, I just picked up a very nice used '04 250 from Ron Commo jr. Will be looking forward to a long term relationship with my Rev3!
  2. We all expect a new 4-stroke form Montesa for 2005, what about all the others? Are we now gonna have Fantic and Ossa in the competition? Will be interesting!
  3. trialsmm

    Sherco 200?

    Why are the 200's so rare in the US? Most people have never seen one. I'm trying to get a test ride on one. A used one that is,,,,
  4. I'm sure the ones that voted (like me) voted for the bike they now ride. Not the one they owned,,,,,,,,,
  5. trialsmm

    Fan Not Working

    I had the same thing happen with my '95 Techno. Got the parts also from Radio Shack. Also the solder joints were crap. Good luck. You might need a wiring diagram? mm
  6. trialsmm

    Beta 200

    How would you compare the Beta 200 to a Sherco 200? Rider imputs, please. MM
  7. Decided to try to sell my bike instead. Maybe find a 200 later? mm
  8. Because the 250/290 stroke is 9.4mm longer than the 125/200, it can not swapped one for one with a 250/290. If a 9.4mm base spacer could be used, the 200 topend/piston could be used to give 192cc. But I don't know if the port timing would match? This would be a great mod if it would work! I'm not going to purchase a new bike, and would like to have a "192" Sherco if if would work out and I'd also have the 250 topend also. Why, just because and viva la differance! Yes, I could sell my bike and buy a used 200,,,,,,,,? Mick
  9. Did I read that someone has had a 250 sleeved down to a 200? I'd like some info in this, please!! Who can do this or is a kit available? Mick USA
  10. trialsmm

    200 V 250

    Wayne, wrote: "The 200 Sherco is not a bored out 125 it is actually an undersized 2.5 / 2.9." Can a "200" top end be put on a 250 with a 9.4mm spacer? Would the 200 piston wrist pin fit the 250 conn. rod? If so the bore/stroke would be 64 x 60mm = 192.9cc Now that would be GREAT if possible! Mick
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