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  1. Cheers TLrider, Great info on engine mods. Bolton is in England ! Thanks again gives me something to thinkabout. Craig.
  2. Hi Scott, Thanks for getting back and not at all long winded, it was an interesting read. Well spotted B40RT ! Now corrected ! Scott, I dont want to be a pain but have you got any details of the 170cc bore ? Did you do it yourself or is there a kit you can buy ? If so is it a difficult job to do and set up for good running? Thanks again for reply, Cheers, Craig.
  3. Hi, I am too wondering about this mod ! and also steepening the steering angle by cutting and welding the headstock, just wonderd how far you can go and it is still road legal ? Any info would be great, Thanks, Craig.
  4. Hi Russ, Ive had the same problem on mine, I think ? (see my post below ie. "help fan switch") How did you test the temp.switch ? I will give that guy a ring and will try a new one. Hope you have sorted yours. Cheers, Craig.
  5. Hi Peter, Thanks for your reply, Just to clarify the thermo switch on my aprilia screws into the top of the cylinder and has only one spade end (have looked for a broken one and definitely only one.) and one wire going to it, so to test it I unscrewed the switch from the cylinder head and put one lead from a multimeter to the spade and one lead to the brass body on the switch, placed the screwed end into boiling water and tried to "bell" it out, nothing happened ! Don't know if this was the right thing to do, as I haven't got a clue on electrics. So then thought if I start the bike up and put the thermo switch wire to earth "direct" the fan should come on, it didn't. Don't know if this was right but thought I would give it a go ! The bike is now at work so will look at wiring this weekend (work permitting) The bike has no lights so wiring should be simple. I just put wires back in same place as removed on strip-down so they could have been wrong at start. I'm from Bolton/Bury area so I think there are a few trials shops round this area will look them up. Cheers, Craig.
  6. Hello fellow climber owners, Have been doing one up over the last year or so (full strip down) and now fully built . It starts OK and runs OK so decided to take it out the other weekend (to relive my younger days as trials rider !). After about 30 mins one of the water pipes started leaking hot water (couldn't see where) and notest the fan wasn't working, so off to the van and home. Had a look the other day and tried putting a 6 volt battery over the fan and to my delight the fan spun up. So next was the fan switch and once it was removed tried to test it by seeing if it earthed out ie. single pin to body of switch, in boiling water to heat up its got 70 deg. stamped on switch so thought it would work but no. After putting the switch back on I started the bike up and put wire off the switch to earth and still the fan did not come on. This is now p***ing me off after all the work Ive put in doing this bike up. So please can anyone help on the following:- 1.....Should the fan come on by earthing switch out ? 2.....Has anyone got a simple wiring diagram ? 3.....Should the switch earth out in boiling water ? 4.....Can you still get fan a switch/thermostat ? Thanks, Craig.
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