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  1. Midlife you are exactly right. My father in law just informed me he got it all fixed up and it was 1 tooth off. Thank you all for your help!
  2. Yes I put the circlip back on, but honestly I think it is something dumb so please keep giving me ideas! Thanks! My father in law has the bike so am just passing all of this along.
  3. First, the reason I tore the motor out was because over the winter nearly all of the oil leaked out and I could not tell where it leaked. So I removed the motor from the frame, took off the covers, pulled the cylinder, piston, flywheel, flywheel backing plate, clutch assembly, and at this point I did not have a clutch holding tool, so I attempted to remove the gear change shaft assemlby. I took off the circlip on flywheel side but it wouldn't come out. I then removed all of the bolts holding the 2 halves together thinking I might be able to split it just enough to get some liquid gasket in the seam but that wasn't happening so I started to reassemble. Instead of splitting the halves I cleaned the middle seam and applied liquid gasket on the outside for a quick fix. Now the bike is all back together. My father in law went over the carburetor and points and got the bike running great, but somewhere I meesed something up and now it won't shift. It will go into first, but when you try to shift to 2nd the shifter goes the full distance but only hits neutral at the end of the shift, not in the middle. I hope I explained this well.
  4. I recently took apart my 74 Yamaha TY250. After putting it back together and with some help, got the motor running great, BUT, the bike will only shift into 1st and neutral. I did not spilt the cases. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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