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Everything posted by mikeg
  1. Does any one happen to know what the paint colour of the frame is called or the colour code, or where I might be able to get it made up, or buy it in a spay can. Thanks Mike.
  2. Thanks to everyone who replied, I'd already fitted the longer fuel pipe for the reasons suggested, but jrsunt was spot on the float valves were upside down so refitted them correctly now working perfect Thanks again.
  3. The bikes been laid up for about 8 months while I fitted new wheel bearing,suspension bushes,headstock bearings,chain & sprockets and overhauld the brakes ? So thought I would decoke the cylinder head & top of piston,which I did & fitted new head gasket,torqued down ok then fitted new front pipe. Removed the carburettor & stripped & cleaned, removed reed valve & fitted new boyesen super stock reeds type ssft 124, refitted all ok, fitted new ngk BR6ES spark plug and started the bike it took about 8 kicks to start it,I let it warm up & then stopped it, came to start it 3 days later but with no joy no matter what I tried it would not start ! So I did a compression test which showed a reading of 180 psi which I think is ok ? When I took the spark plug out there was no fuel on it which I thought there would be after using the choke and all the kicking I had done, it seems the petrol is not getting into the combustion chamber ? The petrol adjuster screw is 1 1/2 turns out,hope I have given enough information for you to help me out , as I have run out of ideas why it won't start? Thanks
  4. Hi Oz, did exactly what you said and guess what it's perfect know
  5. I've taken the Showa front forks out of the clamps to change the steering bearings and noticed there is a different in height of the fork tube when placed side by side, the right hand one is 20mm shorter in height than the left one, if I pull the fork tube up to the height of the left one and let go it drops to 20mm below the left one again. Could anyone tell me is this normal for these forks or does this mean something is wrong with the right hand fork . Thanks
  6. mikeg

    315 Plastics

    Hi, try james@retrotrials.com got one from him a few weeks ago, he did say he had some more.
  7. Hi, could any body tell me the tightening torque for the 6 nuts on the cylinder head ? there's every other torque setting in the manual except this one. Thanks.
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