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Everything posted by jonnyc21
  1. The 3 restrictors to my understanding was because of road legal requirements is some countries, wasn't it? Having a few fellow riders with 05's in the past (one a good friend of mine) I don't recall the restrictions on any of there bikes or them talking about removing them. Some other things than have not already been noted, that I am aware of, between the 05 and the 06+ was a change in the decompression system for easier starting of the bike. Also where the 09 had a better silencer my 07 its still a noticeable amount quieter than my friends 05 for reference. Also, my friends 05 is still not hard to start but my 07 is easier and my 17 300RR is about the same as my 07. The most apparent difference between my friends 05 and my 07 and my 2017 is the suspension is a lot better on the 17. A couple years before I got my 17 I had my 07's suspension re-worked so its a lot more like the 17 because it was a bit slow in my opinion and that made the bike feel a bit heavy but I admit I am picky. As for a good condition low usage 05 4RT for a decent price, I would jump on it if I was in the market for a used bike. My 2 cents.
  2. jonnyc21

    4rt Swingarm

    I looked at a few part numbers but they only seem to have it as an assembly and not as a single part so hard to say for sure if the swingarm its self is actually different. Example: 2005-2007 use 52100-NN4-000 2014-2015 uses 52100-NN4-J20 (black) or 52100-NN4-J10 (polished) 2017-2018 uses 52100-NN4-J20
  3. Is a lot more fun when it isn't just clean or 5 sections.
  4. Read an article once all about Bou and Fugi's bikes but couldn't find that one. This is at least an official link to Honda Racing so shows that 4 gears is defiantly the case and if I remember correctly 314CC. https://trial.hondaracingcorporation.com/machine/
  5. Never had mine fully out of the bike or I probably would have done that just out of curiosity. Hopefully someone has and is willing to post it up here.
  6. I agree with ride them as see. Though I am a 4RT fan and unless its been abused I would side that way. Also worth note is that, unless I am remembering wrong, the Beta Rev3's do not have linkage and have a PDS like shock. This isn't bad but I find I really don't gel with them as well as the newer Evo's and other bikes with linkage by comparison.
  7. I have never felt my 4RT lacks grip or has any big issues turning and really don't have any issue with the slight weight difference... But then again you ride a Beta so turning wouldn't be as good on a 4RT by comparison, a 2T rider like yourself wouldn't think it grips as well because a 4T bike grip is different because of the way the power comes on, and yes 6 to 8 lbs more is quite a bit when talking trials bikes but hay I don't ride at the top level so I guess I can loose some lbs myself to make up for the difference. (Also, trying to figure how how 8lbs is a ton?) LOL
  8. Not sure if I am correct but as its listed as a 4 Ride part by S3 this would seem like its setup for a bike that has the road kit installed to help with starting in the lean condition that is created by the emissions components. If this is the case I don't see it as being something that would help a 300RR. But then again, maybe I am missing something?
  9. I use the Elf 740 HTX but have had decent experience with Maxima's MTL 75, though if I was in Europe I would consider trying GRO's extra light gear oil. Maxima is a bit thicker than the Elf but not a lot and is great once the bike is warmed up and dose give the clutch a touch more of a progressive feel. (Note: it took two oil changes to really feel the full difference in the oils.) Edit: Clarified the Maxima context in the thicker comment.
  10. There is only 2 current production trials bikes that have E-Start and both of them still have the kick starter on them as well as the battery.
  11. Only my opinion but... If that list is the only bikes I got to pick from I would go with the 2017 TRS. I don't know if that one comes with the curved pegs or not but if it dose I would also swap it to standard pegs ASAP as one of the two TRS bikes I have been on had the curved and I really didn't get along with them well. Good luck.
  12. On the softer on the bottom, you might check the map switch as it could be on soft, but my real guess would be to double check the throttle tube. Mine felt a lot softer than I expected when I first got it and found it had a black (slow) tube I didn't expect that as my 07 had a white tube, so I swapped the 300RR to a white (fast) and all sorted. Glad its in good shape!
  13. The good thing is that it looks like once you have the S3 kit a standard MX type fender with the 4 bolt setup would mount right up. I admit I am not a fan of the high fenders and if mud between the tire and fender was my consern I would get something to space up the finder a bit. Though that is a bit pricey so don't blame you for deciding you want to sort it out yourself.
  14. As the piston didn't change it makes me wonder what the difference is and why they felt the need to swap to a different set?
  15. With it being an 09, you might want to clean or replace the t-bag filter. Edit: On idle adjustment turn it in about 3/4 to 1 turn in from where it is now if I remember correctly and then giving it a go I think is what I did, after that I used a Tachometer to get it set to 1800, was about 2200 if I recall beforehand.
  16. Had my fuel pump wire come loose on my 07 once causing mine not to start, only other time it wouldn’t start was it had a low idle as stated above. Might be good to know year as well as it could help us to give better advice on possible issues...
  17. Have a comparison ride between the 301 and 300 you could elaborate on? Would be interested in knowing how much difference there is between them as well...
  18. I know someone who has a pair and based on his experience as long as you don't melt them they should be great for a nice long time. I would already have a set if I had known about them when I was first looking for trials pants. At least I know what I am getting when my current set ware out.
  19. I think that’s the full exhaust and I believe you can get just the can, but even that will likely be a bit of $. Good luck getting your bike sorted!
  20. Have you talked to Dennis at https://www.overlandtrail.biz/? If you have and he doesn't have one you might consider a Mitani? He should be able to get you one and I also see that jbanyers looks like they have one as well. https://jbanyeres.com/en/exhaust-pipe/4271-escape-mitani-completo-especial-para-montesa-cota-300rr-titanio-y-carbono-diametro-28mm.html?search_query=Exhaust&results=73
  21. On the fuel pump, if you believe the promotional documents it was to get a bit more pressure from the pump but I suspect jimmyl might be correct that it was also a standardization thing. As jimmyl indicated that the reduced engine braking is noticeable on the 260's in 2014+. Last I checked I didn't see any documentation that the 260's got the same update the 301 got on the engine braking. Though I am happy to be corrected if it did?
  22. Other than suspension and wheels its mostly small things stuff like foot peg brackets different so peg positions might be changed. The engine modifications to internals to lower compression braking etc. should all be the same on standard and Repsol with possible exception of maybe having a dual map switch on the Repsol and missing on the standard for some years/markets. In 2016 I believe was when they changed the fuel pump from the 14/15 so I would say to go 16+ Might be worth consideration. Side note: Stock throttle on all 4RT’s/300RR’s is black, I swapped mine for a white on both my 07 and my 300 and they both have a lot more bite of the bottom than standard so it’s possible your brother might have done the same?
  23. To bad I am in the US... (shrug)
  24. One more thought, my wife started with road riding and she prefers a 125 trials bike. She started on a 125 and is currently is on a 250 and likes it in some ways but overall I think I might end up swapping he back to a 125. As I am sure you know road riding is very different from trials, so it could be good to start off a bit soft on bike size, depending on the rider, and swapping up on bikes after a year or two could be the better choice depending on the person. This really is all conjecture at this point, the problem is the picking the size of bike isn’t just about body size, where my wife and daughter can both easily ride a 250 with their size neither are very aggressive riders so both do better on the 125. Though if I could get my daughter to try a 200 I think she would do well on one. In the end you know her best so take this all with a grain of salt and get the bike that you feel is correct.
  25. My daughter is tall so I had to get her a Beta 80 Sr (full size wheels). She is now 5’ 8” and enjoys her 125 but would also do well on something like a Beta 200... As above size/age could make a big difference in what would work well.
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