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Everything posted by jonnyc21
  1. Having one and that one they have being affective are two different things... and I currently feel they are not being effective. And yes, this is my opinion not fact.
  2. That's the trick there isn't it, it isn't just the mass and/or inertia, it's the package all together. How it affects the spin up speed, the riders timing changes, etc. And even a small amount of change can make it feel different tell you become acclimated to that change.
  3. Not typically one to complain but, wow it just seems to suck how they run things. If they really want to grow the sport they will need some more experience in dealing with online media and exposure of events etc.
  4. As above if you can find some riders to go with you will do best. if you really can't get together with some other riders then you can start off with something like the Ryan Young training DVD and a video camera. Watch the video, record yourself doing the moves, then compare that to the video. Isn't as good as riding buddies but at least will show you more of what your doing good or bad at.
  5. At that temperature your tires will be a bit harder and the ground with snow was likely a bit damp so could cause a bit of grip issues. Amplify that slight grip loss with not putting the weight back it will cause what you described. I really learned this by riding in the cold and snow on purpose. Was well worth the snow play.
  6. I have heard it called something like "moment of inertia" a combination of the mass of the crank, piston, flywheel, etc. in junction with the amount of fuel being combusted. It is a bit more complex than I have writing skills to describe, but my best attempt is, that your working against more moving mass in a 300 so it's more work. However, how much more I wouldn't be able to say but even between both my 07 Montesa 4RT and 17 Montesa 300 RR I believe I can feel a slight difference.
  7. Pivot pegs will not be as good for more advanced trials moves as they will not provide the ability to move your foot to the outer edges of the peg to give the input you would benefit most by. I would expect that zaps, hoping, splatters, etc to be very hard on them. might be ok for novice or trails.
  8. Wife's bike is a Gas Gas 125 (6 speed), kids old bike was a Beta 80 (6 speed) and her and I now both ride Montesa and we both love them, 5 speeds and all. Not much of a fan of the 6 speed in the Gas Gas or it's 4th to 5th clunky-ness. Would take something like my daughters old Beta 80 6 speed over the Gas Gas or just stick to the 5 speed. After a good ride on my old Montesa, in late fall this year, my wife is interested in switching to a Montesa as well. hope that helps.
  9. If you really want a top end open set I would go with the S3. There is also a set here (http://rypusa.com/rq-foot-peg/) that are good if you want to spend a bit less.
  10. Not sure I needed to say it but always best to cover the basics...
  11. Cedar wood chips in a sock stuffed inside as soon as you stop riding can help a lot. Remove and clean the liner on a regular schedule. some have used different forms of alcohol, including Vodka. (Most of the time it takes more than once to get it back to normal and being consistent after that to keep it that way. Good luck.
  12. Ya I can see why that would seem it would be the case. But when you consider the force against that rear tire during a big hit for that 12-13 stone Raga or Bou it's got to be at least as much, if not a more, than what the average rider would do to their tire at 20 stone. Now because you indicated your doing trail riding I might suggest if your fast on the trail that you run .5 to 1 PSI more on sharp rocky trails but that's opinion and likely not really necessary.
  13. As stated above pro-riders like Bou and Raga are splitting at pressures like 4 rear and 5 front without issues. so, unless your trail riding and high speeds or riding very jagged rocks you should be fine at a psi of 4 rear and 5 front. if your concerned maybe 4.5 rear and 5.5 to 6 front but I bet you would feel the difference in traction at that pressure. And I wouldn't go more that 5 rear and 6.5 front...
  14. Unless your are attempting to get to expert in record time your 200+ isn't your limiting factor. I may not be over 200 but right at 200 and 5' 10" I have no issues hopping the front and rear around with stock bar setup. I can do an ok splatter, and am learning to zap (still working on it). I figure even if I was to add a few more pounds it would likely only affect my zap a bit if anything as I might not be able to jump as high. Other than that I would expect to be able too perform about the same as I can now. Hope this helps.
  15. But that would tak all the fun out of me trying to deal with the constant loss of pressure in my wife's 08 Gas Gas 125 wheel... I suppose I should at least admit I haven't been willing to pull it apart because it holds it fine for about 2 days or so and only needs to be filled when we go on a ride. LOL
  16. I agree with try before you buy. My wife for years has loved her Gas Gas 125. She finally spent some decent time on my former 07 Montesa 4RT and is now wanting to upgrade to a new Montesa 4RT 260. I probably should have encouraged her to do it sooner... LOL
  17. When I was reading last years rules displacement was the easy one to call out everything else to me felt like a wide range of possible work/modifications internally. Not being an expert on the rules I can't say I didn't miss anything but at least what I saw would let them do a lot without getting tagged for it. There was a lot of other things in there and I started to gloss over after a bit...
  18. interesting... I thought I did a copy past, maybe it got autocorrected it or something... thanks.
  19. Sorry don't have Facebook... and can't seem to find the DBA trial Facebook page with a google or Bing search...
  20. I wasn't in the room with the FIM when they made that call so I can't say for sure why it is in place, but it dose seem suspect... I also had a Montesa long before that rule was in place so... Though I admit the 300RR addition was this year... Back on topic... I am still wondering when we will hear formally about Busto, Cabs, and Dibs... anyone have a link or post that's more concrete yet?
  21. Dang that's gotta hurt... it's not my cup of tea with or without this potential though.
  22. I think he might be talking about the possibility of safety with regard to adding in that way in comparison to adding it in a more permanent fashion. the root problem to me however is that she had to make a minimum in the first place.
  23. I am voting with the statements on swimming and core strength exercises if you can't ride. Best way if possible is of course to ride more as you already said.
  24. If your gloves are to loose you can also find yourself gripping harder a lot like having gloves that are to thick. You don't want them to tight and cutting off circulation but they need to fit well and at least snugly enough to prevent tight grip syndrome.
  25. It's a compliment to your well stated truth!
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