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Everything posted by jonnyc21
  1. On looks I say TRS. Don't have anyone near me with a TRS to try and get a ride so can't say on anything else. On what I have read I think I would go TRS between the two but really don't know in all actuality. Hopefully someone with an actual ride report will chime in soon.
  2. I personally agree that when I am riding I don't think about it. However when I am off the bike at the pits or walking a section it can pop into my head.
  3. If your in the US I would suggest http://www.upandovertrials.com/. I do recall they can be picked up in Europe but not sure on who or how to get them.
  4. I would check the adjustment as indicated by Dan and if that doesn't show a problem or doesn't fix it then investigate the possible bent disk as Nigel suggests, and don't overlook a possible issue with the caliper as well.
  5. jonnyc21

    trr helmet

    Love my TTR. I have a very oval head so found it a tiny bit snug front to rear when getting the correct size by measurement, but is hardly noticeable as long as I don't sinccthe chin strap to tight.
  6. My guess If Busto moves to GG, then Dibs is back with Beta... who knows but I am much more sure about Bou stays, Raga stays. Fajardo to GG... time will tell!
  7. When the negative pressure is created by draining the main tank it starts pulling form the aux tank to replace the fuel your using. If you have a lot of air in the tank it can take a long time to put the needed pull on the aux tank to start the siphon or may not even happen at all because of the flexibility that air has over liquids. Example: air can be compressed but not fuel...
  8. As stated above, remove the check valve if there is one, double check for vacuum/air leaks, make sure your primary tank is as close to full as you can get before starting out, and make sure you don't have any kinks or blocks in the rest of the hoses. best of luck.
  9. I didn't even know about Toni Bou when I was looking for a Trials bike, tried a few bikes and just jelled better with the Montesa than the other 2T's I tried. So at least some out there pick it because they like it better and not because of Bou.
  10. If you have sensitive feet the soles are not as supportive as some of the other brands. Otherwise top notch boots.
  11. If you have little to no sag you will have a very harsh ride. Best to get that sorted out. Your suspension needs to work together front and rear at the same time if you push down on the center of the bike.
  12. A Montesa may not be the top model but I have all ways felt they are like the hot next door neighbor. Great to look at, way more available, and much less likely to leave me stranded. My 2 cents.
  13. jonnyc21

    Clutch slip.

    Even a small adjustment problem on the clutch lever can cause the issue described by Dan and still move everything in and out on the clutch stack. Had the same thing happen on my daughters Beta 80 fixed with added free play in the lever. I would double check you have a bit of extra play in the lever and give everything go. If no luck then like you indicated pull the master apart clean everything up and replace anything if you find it out of sorts. Good luck!
  14. Somehow I think Bou would do well on almost anything. On the other hand, Busto seems making his Montesa look pretty effective...
  15. What a shame. Hope they catch them.
  16. Unless I am riding where I know for sure I might get the indicated cactus spike in my tire I run standard tubes in all of my families trials bikes. (3 of them) If I do end up knowing I my benefit with a heavy duty tube I will put some kind of leek stop in the tire and then bring a spare heavy duty tube with me in case that doesn't do the trick. Haven't had to used the heavy tube during an event yet but have had a slow leak cause me to eventually change out the standard tube several months after an event with cactus spikes.
  17. Glad to hear it's all sorted.
  18. Sounds like something got missed, never had that kind of issue when doing work on my 4RT front end. maybe remove it again double check and start over?
  19. I admit I have a Montesa 300RR. The funny part to me is the progression... I started on a 125, went to an 07 4RT 250 and after 6 years my wife got me the 300 for my 40th Birthday... so it wasn't even me that picked it up.
  20. With the price your talking about I would say get it and ride it a bit, if it feels a bit hot or wares you out quickly then consider a slow throttle to start with and go from there for taming it down a bit if needed. As a past MXer and 14 stone I would normally suggest a 250 as a good starting point if there wasn't already a good deal on a 290/300. And on the smaller bike side of the fence I would expect for you a 125, unless very well jetted, would feel underpowered and even if could work well you likely wouldn't keep it long before upgrading so 250+.
  21. It's hard to refute the benefit of having someone like Bou or Raga on there side... I do believe that not having a top rider will affect a manufacturer, however the question I would think is by how much? Next is the question of what are the options to make that up? From what I have seen I can agree that a great local and national presence will do a great deal in this regard but I hesitate to say it can make it up completely. I think the only other way to make it up completely is something like Vertigo and having such as with the SSDT and Doug's success. My perception.
  22. I agree, trying to make sure you think they are moving is more subjective that a scale. And yes it needs to be as black and white as possible. so the easy answer as it turns out isn't that easy...
  23. I would agree with Silkolene light or Maxima 75 in the US for a Gas Gas, both work very well in my wife's 07 TXT Pro 125. I would be willing to try the ELF as it works so well in my Montesa, however it is a lot more $ and where I can get it here in the US I don't think it's worth the cost considering how well the others work. good luck with your decision.
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