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Everything posted by jonnyc21
  1. I was thinking along the same lines, hinged items, stackable, almost a simple puzzle to stack up and unpack. I have been trying to decide how to make, in concept, enough items that I could create at minimum a setup that could be organized into 6 or 8 different more progressively difficult configurations.
  2. I would so love to do the same thing myself. I have been compiling ideas but don't have any images other than some rather low quality hand sketches I have been making.
  3. Most of what it transferable from bicycle to moto-trials is indoor X-Trials stuff and isn't as helpful to outdoor moto-trials. I am sure some of the bicycle trials skills can help outdoor but how much? I feel my trials bicycle has helped a bit with my moto-trials but it isn't the same and I will not try to pretend it is.
  4. Something to consider with Pat is that part of what he dose is trick riding for shows to supplement his income and that kind of riding is different, Bou is paid to do nothing but trials, indoor and outdoor, so has a different focus. Pat doesn't have the option to be as dedicated to it as Bou, Raga, Fugi, etc. so where I would guess he might have been (my opinion) if trials in the US was bigger. Where it isn't as transferable as moto-trials to enduro I think that my trials bike has helped me with my moto-trials a bit, and as you say is fun in its own way as well, so will keep doing it.
  5. I like the graphics choice mixed with the white.
  6. Good eye oni nou! Thanks for catching that one!
  7. I have seen someone use the "MX Lock and load" on a trials bike before, it worked, but was a little loose in comparison to a larger bike so they also put a single tie down over the bike as a secondary holding with the D-Rings on the base plate for the "MX Lock and load". Not sure I would use one unless I could recess the system just a bit but at least it worked on the Gas Gas I saw it used on. Then again you could just put some kind of wood frame in place to chock up the tires a bit for more pressure?
  8. When I compare it to other helmets the shape and look makes me wonder if its built on the same platform as the TTR. Just slightly changed vents and visor. Even if it is that looks like a good price and some fun color options.
  9. I feel their trials boots are great quality, just not waterproof. They are not designed to be... then again almost no trials boots are, the one pair gearne has being the only exception. (There is a sidi rain discovery boot based on trials boots as well, but not a true trials boot though I hear they do brake in and work well over time...) if you don't want wet feet, then as stated get some waterproof socks. my mink oil trick isn't to make them waterproof but to just reduce the amount of water they soak up, I do the same with my wife's non waterproof gearne's.
  10. Not sure what type of or the quality of the leather but if it is typical stuff you can always consider putting a little bit of mink oil on them. It isn't likely to make them waterproof but it should prevent them from soaking up as much water so they aren't as heavy. Works well on my older Alpinestars No Stops... (guessing you have the Alpinestars Tech T's)
  11. There is all kinds of gear from Up and Over, Clice, Mots, Wulfsport, Hebo. I like my Hebo gear but do plan on getting a set of the Up and Over trials pants/top for a second set. Up and Over: http://www.upandovertrials.com/ Clice: https://www.clice.com Mots: https://www.motsracing.com/english/ Wolfsport: http://wulfsport.com/ Hebo: http://hebo.com/
  12. Have had both and this is my two cents... A Beta will typically be able to take more abuse than Gas Gas. The Gas Gas is a bit more fun to ride as it's light and spunky feeling. Gas Gas as stated have possible kick start gear chipping issue, are more finicky on internal engine adjustments for the transmission (eccentric adjust) and internal shifting shaft is weaker and more likely to become damaged in a crash or by hard use. (split the case to fix) As stated Beta has the possibility of water pump corrosion and stator issues and can also be prone to sticky clutch plates (Beta clutch fix is a good idea if not already done) I think most would also agree with my experience and say Beta's are more often a bit more mellow in comparison to the same year Gas Gas but that's not a guaranty (ether can be improved/mellowed more with a slow throttle tube). In summary I would guess the Beta would be better, however personal taste and a test ride is your best way to tell what you will do best with. All this is assuming condition is the same or close. Better condition would likely win me over quick on witch to get. Good luck!
  13. One of the best ways to learn some of the basic stuff like this is with a trails training DVD. Then record yourself when you practice it. Then when you play it back you can compare it to the training DVD to see if it looks correct. Hope that helps.
  14. Figured you would be new to the forum. Welcome! Also thought you would like to know we had bike specific threads so you could search and ask direct questions to others that would give faster response as they share bike brand with you.
  15. You might try in the Sherco section rather than the general forum? They might already have this answered there.
  16. In case anyone is interested... all Montesa 4RT and 300RR's come stock with a black tube. I thought the 300 was white tell I got my 2017 and found out they all come black. I am used to white from my 07 4RT having one from the first owner so ended up switching and like it better on both. (Personal preference) A Domino tube works great as a replacement.
  17. That's part of why I was thinking a used Element might be an ok choice... no carpet just plastic/rubber type floor, foldable seats, larger cargo, built with the dirty weekend getaway in mind. but gives me the AWD I am after. I am open to other AWD manual transmission options, just not sure what other options I have for the price range of a used Element.
  18. Ok, so lucky for me I don't care about pig ugly, I know I am asking a lot but I would like something that I can get in the use, is small, AWD, manual transmission and can carry at least 1 bike. A second bike would be a nice win but isn't critical as most of the time I have a second I have all 3 of my families bikes and am towing a trailer any way. So do we have anyone that has actually used a Honda Element and could tell me if a bike or maybe two could fit, hoping without adjusting the bars (but I could live with that). Current Honda Element:
  19. Bringing This one back from the dead. . . anyone know how well it actually works to use an Element to hall a bike or two?
  20. Hope I didn't sound like I was knocking ether... I favor the Montesa myself as noted by my ownership of both an 07 Montesa 4RT and a 2017 300RR but not having been on a 300 Beat 4T I attempted to add some thought on what I know of both close as possible with regard to the difference between it and the 2T I have experienced...
  21. Mark, I haven't been on a Beta 4T, however the Beta 2T I have been on rides more like a Gas Gas than the Montesa 4T dose and from what I understand the OSSA is also more Gas Gas like in its ride. On that note for trail rides I would expect the ability to connect the long range kit directly into the fuel system will give you a much more enjoyable fuel experience if your riding is often more than about 23 miles as that is about the best I have ever had on my 07 4RT (250cc). The current 2017 Montesa's don't come with a seat, and with the cost of an after market one I would think being able to get one with a new Beta or if you have one already it might be the better option. Not having to jet on the Montesa dose have its advantages and I myself like the ride of the Montesa over the Beta as it's feels a bit more stable in tight corners as it's tendency to tuck is less. However this would likely be more apparent in trials than on the trail. the part I cannot speak to is characteristics of the Beta 4T's engine as only the handling is similar on the Beta 2T over the 4T
  22. Could you put it in at an angle? Maybe get some kind of crate or build a support framework from inexpensive timbers with some padding to at least minimize spill potential? Good luck.
  23. The no stops are getting harder to find so you might need to consider the new version. Many who have used the no stop do say they are close in fit and function to the original with a few benefits worth consideration. best of luck and my vote is also the Alpinestars with you own insoles.
  24. Is there any one you know with a 4RT that would be willing to let you do some parts swapping diagnostic efforts? i would swap ECU's with a different bike before doing injector work. And if still having issues swap back to the old ECU and different injector. I say this because the last thread with an over fuel problem ended up being the ECU not the injector. With a second bike and a a few swaps it was the ECU. (Didn't find it with a quick search but remember it well)
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