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Everything posted by dwb5151
  1. I thought my 315r was brilliant really reliable and very powerful.But over here we can get gearbox parts for it. So if the gearbox goes the bikes are scrap. So it was a good thing i sold it. I just hope one day montesa will make a 2 stroke again.
  2. dwb5151

    Bent frame

    Thanks for the reply's will try and get stuck into it. The swingarm bolt is fine and i think i have found out where the frame has let go.
  3. dwb5151

    Bent frame

    No the frame was fine that's what I don't understand but now I am going to have to get it strengthen. So the bike will probably need to be taken apart and get the frame strengthen and powered coated. Do you think it would be alright to ride at the moment there's no cracks in the frame but I don't understand why it bent out of shape so easily. I've rode it for 4 hours since the frame was bent out and the gap between the frame and swing arms seem the same but if I come off the bike and hit it is there a chance it could snap off?
  4. dwb5151

    Bent frame

    No that's the thing it was running perfect the day before the noise started then the next day I took it out and it just started
  5. dwb5151

    Bent frame

    I took my 2011 sherco 290 out the other day and there was a clinking noise coming from the bike. I thought it was the chain slipping off the front sprocket. But when i had a look at it the chain was hitting the frame. I took my bike down to my local dealer and the frame was bent in down at the legs causing the chain to hit the frame. There was hardly any gap between the swing arm and the frame. We also noticed that the foot rest was sitting up at an angle.We used a crowbar to bend the frame out. But what i don't understand is what caused. it. I haven't hit the foot rests at all and somehow the frame has managed to bend in. The other thing i noticed was the frame bend out of shape relativity easy. Any ideas on what caused it, i know the 2011 sherco's did have frame problems any advice would be appreciated many thanks Dw.
  6. dwb5151

    2015 Sherco 300

    When I had a go on it the engine seems still tight apparently it was bought for a spare bike. This would make sense because there's hardly a mark on it. It's a massive improve over my 2011sherco 290 better clutch, suspension and more low down torque
  7. dwb5151

    2015 Sherco 300

    Hi I am looking at a 2015 Sherco 300 and I was wondering is there any problems with that year. Many thanks dw
  8. All of the trs bikes are apparently still going strong. Only with one one fault being the fuel tank but it was sorted out
  9. dwb5151

    Clubman bike?

    There are many reasons why experts dont ride them They are heavy compared to 2 strokes so its not as easy to bounce them around. Its hard to adjust to the four stroke riding style some people cant adjust to it You dont get the instant acceleration from them compared to a 2 stroke Expert riders think they need more power and big bore kits are expensive. They are more novice friendly because they don't require a lot of maintenance and they are bullet proof. This is my opinion
  10. I thought jotagas was bust but I phoned one of the Jotagas dealers and apparently jotagas isnt bust there still going and its just a rumour.
  11. dwb5151

    2017 gas gas

    What is the build quality like on the 2017 gas gas would it just be as good as the new sherco and what are they like to maintain? Many thanks Dw
  12. dwb5151

    O Rings

    Hi I am getting my silencer back this week after it being repacked and I was wondering would I need to buy a new set of o rings for it. The Silencer has only been taken of now since it was made. So would it be just better to replace them.
  13. What interest me is it a 4 stroke engine do you think vertigo will be making 4 stroke trials bikes in the future. A bit of a bad idea that the vertigo ursus is only made for people as 5 7 i am nearly 6 3
  14. dwb5151

    280I Sooty Plug

    My bike is doing the same just dies and the spark plug is sooted
  15. Thanks for the advice from all of you I really appreciated it, i'll get stuck into it this weekend.
  16. The spark plug isn't oily. There's a weird smell coming from it . I took the exhaust off and i notice the spark plug smells exactly like what the exhaust does inside. That made me think that the exhaust fumes aren't getting out creating a back-flow causing all the exhaust fumes and oil going to the top head causing the spark plug to go like that. As i noticed when riding some times it wouldn't rev properly and i would give it a hard rev and then smoke would then come out of the exhaust.
  17. Funny you say that i changed to a different 2 stroke oil putonlon one which i used on my older bikes but not on this one
  18. I have tried 3 spark plugs all of which are being sooted after 3 to 4 hours of riding. I am going to get a fuel filter for it just make sure no dirt get in. The bike also had blocked jet as a result of dirt in the fuel pump. Which was cleaned.
  19. I started the bike a while ago black liquid came out of where the spark plug goes. The spark plug wasn't in fully tight as i was just starting the bike to see if the fan was running. I took the spark plug out and smoke came out of where the spark plug goes. Every so often when riding the bike i would have to rev it hard to get it to rev properly giving me the idea that the exhaust is what is causing the spark plug to go like that. Some times smoke doesnt seem to come out of the exhaust then sometimes it would.
  20. Hi do you think that my exhaust on my 2011 sherco 290 could be causing my bike to die after 4 hours of riding and causing the spark plug to go like this. I am getting the exhaust cut open and repacked to see if it stops the gasping noise the bike is also making when i rev it. The spark plug isn't oily and the bike mixture isn't to rich. Any advice would be appreciated many thanks Dw
  21. I look after my bike very well. But nearly every single time i go out on it something goes wrong. I haven't actually rid my bike properly in 4 months. The last time i took it out it just died on me and wouldn't start so I had to push it all the way back. The exhaust is now being cut open and repacked as it was sooting the spark plug. Then the time before that the bike was making a gasping noise and wouldn't tick over. The bike still is making the gasping noise i am hoping that by repacking the exhaust it will stop it. This is an example of the problems i am having. I ride a lot of grassy mounds and i would ride 8 to 10 hours a week
  22. I had a go on the trs 250 and it has a good amount of power and it turns great. The clutch is also very good and the power is very smooth. The bikes looks well made and it uses a lot parts that other bikes use. For example the tech forks and r16v shock. Its on my list for my next bike.
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