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Everything posted by dwb5151
  1. dwb5151


    Has anyone had any issues with there trs. As i am considering getting one I have booked a test ride on a 250 (the only size they have) on saturday. They look a good bike but i am a bit put of getting one because of the bikes reliability. I know they went through the scottish trials which is good. But I am worried about buying one and its going to let me down before a trial. I dont want to spend all day working at it and its going to end up costing me a fortune.Its a new bike like the vertigo people seem to say its unproven but im not sure. Any opinions or advise would be appreciated. Oh and I would be keeping the bike for a couple of years. Many thanks dw
  2. Thanks i originaly thought it was that but taking the bike up to my dealer to get it fixed
  3. I got the bike of the dealer a year ago and i told him about the brake when servicing it he adjusted the brake and the whole bike was serviced as well. This was all done on the 11 july 2016. Then when i got the bike back it did it a few times once or twice now the brake isnt working at all
  4. Hi i am having a lot of bother with my rear brake. When i press down on the brake lever when riding either it works or it doesnt. When going down a steep slope when i press onto the rear brake lever and hold it some times it will work some times it wont. I just got the bike serviced by my dealer about less than a month ago. When the brake doesn't work the break lever seems like the brake pads arent grabing the brake disc, I have had new brake pads and its been filled with the dot 4 oil. After getting it serviced i noticed it done this some times but after going out today for a ride the brake was doing it constantly. Any advice would be appreciated. Many thanks dw
  5. 15ml to one litre is what i do and putoline oil its a good oil which i used for years
  6. The repsol would have better suspension over the cota but the cota suspension is still very good. If you do a lot of hoping the repsol would probably be the best but for more normal riding either bike will do. The repsol has some carbon fibre when new. But everyone recommends the cota over the repsol as it is better value for money.
  7. From what I have been hearing from riders and on the forums the beta is the best bike for riding but the build quality wouldnt be as good as the montesa.Apparently the beta is better in wet mudy conditions as it grips better.
  8. Is the fuel suppose to be boiling as I have heard this before on the forums and would you recommend changing the gearing right away or try the stock gearing for a while? As I am currently looking at 2 montesa which one I am considering.
  9. If you are wanting a good solid bike at the price i would go for the sherco as they are great bikes, they are selling like hot cakes over in Northern Ireland. The vertigo is a great bike, i test rode one in the leadmines but the problem I have is the price as well, £5750 is a lot of money. The sherco 300 is £5200 so you are saving money. I would advise not going for the ossa as they have been bought over and parts are starting to get difficult to get, at least over here. There are only about 5 ossa's in Northern Ireland. The trs in my opinion is unproven compared to the sherco. The trs looks good but i would personaly wait a while till they get more popular. But the only problems with the sherco is the radiator when trying to fill it up and the clutch seems to be easy to knock out.I am going through the same problem, I can,t decide which bike to go for, the sherco 300 or a montesa cota or repsol. The best thing would be to try and get a test ride on all of them.
  10. It still has one problem though the price £5750. There a great bike but over priced.
  11. Yea the 2016 sherco was a great bike but the only problem was the radiator when trying to fill it up with antifreeze. The 2017 hopfully will fix this problem there a great bike especially the new frame far more stronger and wont rust like my 2011 sherco. To be honest I'm not supprised there isnt much changes.
  12. dwb5151


    Yea that would put you of buying one lol
  13. What was your opinion on grip of the 2 bikes and which one was easier to get used to at first. Thats the same bikes i am choosing between except mine is the 2016 models also is do you have the standard montesa and is it just to move the back wheel around or would you have to set up the suspension to your weight. Many thanks Dw
  14. I didn't know it was a 311cc montesa I thought they rode the standard bikes with a few modifications. What interests me is how they make it a 311cc . As the kit to make the montesa a 300 is £2000 and it only makes it a 300.
  15. The build quality of the montesa is far far ahead of any bike the bikes are built like tanks. You sacraficing weight for quality. The honda engines are reliable and bullet proof the suspencion last so much longer and the matainance is basic. The standard things will still go like the wheel bearings and all. Dont get me wrong the bikes dont change much but why change for example the frame which is great. This is my opinion if your wanting build quality the montesa is the one to go for. But i have to addmitt the vertigo looks well made put we will have to see time will tell.
  16. I think a 260 would be enough but for me coming from a sherco 290 to a 260 there is a power difference. But the torque of them montesa's is unbelieveable the bike could literally pull you up a wall. If the bike can do that you dont need anything bigger but i heard you have to rev the bike like crazy to get it to go up something extrmely steep to be honest i am not sure. But there is now one cota rr in Northern Ireland. But why is everyone asking for a 300cc engine is this for the expert riders but then look at toni boi he's riding a 260 and he is world champion but then his bike has been modified.
  17. Well I test rode the 2014 cota and to be honest to much engine breaking but lately i got a ride on a 2015 repsol no engine breaking and the showa suspencion was great. Before that i test rode a 2008 montesa which i didnt like as the bike stopped on me when i cut the throttle off.
  18. To be honest the cota looked great and not out dated. As the repsol looks still exactly the same to be honest it is a bit dated i rather have had them change the colour of the repsol instead of the cota this is my opinion.
  19. To be honest i think what everyone was hoping for was a bigger engine 300cc, the repsol actualy looking different and a price drop on the repsol and the cota rr because at £8000 for the cota rr that is extremly expensive. This is my opinion but come on the repsol still looks exactly the same dont get me wrong they are great bikes.
  20. I was sorta disappointed because the only difference is aesthetics really. A new fuel pump and a longer kick starter. I'm not sure on the colour as it takes away the significance of the Cota being red. The repsol still looks exactly the same.This is all my opinion I would have loved to see a 300 Cota and repsol
  21. dwb5151

    Help Brakes

    Thanks for the advice from you all
  22. dwb5151

    Help Brakes

    the break hose goes into the swingarms so its a bit difficult to follow since i cant see where it comes out
  23. dwb5151

    Help Brakes

    Hi I am just wondering do any of you'd know where the place is for the back brake of a 2011 Sherco to fill it up dot 4 oil. For the front brake I know it is at the handle bars but I can't find the one for the rear brake. Many thanks dw
  24. dwb5151


    Thanks for the advice would you say the build quality is better than the new Sherco for a matter that f interest
  25. dwb5151


    It does look a great bike I just wish they would hurry up and get the bikes to the dealers over in Northern Ireland. Do you think their is anything on it which is the same as the jotagas. I really hope not. as in my opinion the jotagas aren't good bikes. Some people are calling the trs the jotagas mark 2 . What do think many thanks
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