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Everything posted by dwb5151
  1. dwb5151


    I have been reading up about them and watching them on YouTube. My local dealer still is waiting for them. Over a year now. I've booked a test ride on the 300. The frame is it the same as the montesa aluminium. They look a good job and at the price I think it will be good. I like the way the gas gas bikes ride but hate the build quality especially the frame steel. This is why I am interested in it. But I don't want to buy one and be working at it constantly. Many thanks dw
  2. dwb5151


    Any reviews on the Trs yet or have any of you ridden it yet. My local dealer has been waiting for over a year now and the bikes still aren't in so i can get a test ride one to see what its like. Questions have any of you ridden the TRS Whats the build quality like Whats the reliability like for any of you who own one What engine does it use because i have been told its a gas gas with a jotagas frame. Many thanks
  3. Thanks for the advice from all of you its much appreciated
  4. Ok I will check all of this many thanks for the help and advise
  5. No any more suggestions would be appreciated
  6. Hi I am wondering would you's have any idea what is wrong with my 2011 sherco 290. When i am out riding and when i stop for a break the bike is extremly hard to start. When trying to start the bike it back fires once or twice. I changed the spark plug but it still does it. I am kicking it correctly but it just seems very difficult to start after riding. Many thanks any replies would be appreciated.
  7. Any news on the 2017 trials bikes Many Thanks
  8. So if I use hair spray they won't slip or move on me when riding and do you do this for the throttle grip
  9. Hi i was just wondering what would be the best grips you could reccommend i was looking at these ones what do you think and what glue do you use to stick the grips on. As the grips i have at the moment are giving me plisters.
  10. Are they bring in a 2 stroke it would be great
  11. Yea I was just wondering was their a dealer pity not. Many Thanks
  12. Hi I am just wondering is their an official dealer for the new Yamaha trials bike. Their new 4 stroke looks great but I never see any body riding it in Northern Ireland. Many thanks Dw
  13. But with age comes experience with Dougie has a lot of
  14. The thing that got me was Dougie beat Dabil do you thing dougie is still a better rider at 40 ? Well i thing so.
  15. thanks for the advice. sorry to hear about your bike it happened to me before.
  16. My dealer has 2 coming in a couple of weeks a 250 and a 300
  17. I am trying to get a test ride on the TRS but the official dealer for over here I cant get through to.
  18. I have tried all of them.
  19. No I have had three bikes a 2004 sherco 200, 2001 montesa 315 and now a 2011 sherco 290
  20. Thanks for the replys they are appreciated a lot. I can now see where I am going wrong its not about the ability of the bike its the rider.
  21. Yea I was considering the new scorpa I am going to have to see if i can get a test ride on one because I was noticing that people are buying them over the new sherco. In my opinion the scorpa looks better than the sherco.
  22. Ok sorry if this post seems worthless but i am just worried about buying the wrong bike. Many thanks
  23. I have talked about this on the forums before i think. I have narrowed it down to 3 bikes. The montesa 4rt 260 cota, 2016 sherco 300 and the vertigo combat camo. All are excellent bikes. The problem is O cant decide on which one to go for. When i test rode the vertigo i thought it was great. I felt like I could do very good on it. The sherco I felt a bit unsure it didn't seem to ride as nice as I thought it would. But I still feel that I could do good on it. The montesa I thought rode great but i am worried it may effect my results. For example I am worried about the extra weight. I feel that the montesa would be the more fun to ride but I am worried about it effecting my ability to do good. I am only put off by the vertigo because their isn't any carbon fibre for it yet and its quiet expensive. The sherco to me seems the best value of the lot at £5200 for a 300 which is a lot cheaper than the vertigo. But I am edging towards the montesa because of the way it rides ,the build quality and reliability. I would really like the montesa the way it looks and everything. Many thanks Dw
  24. I don't know why everyone is saying its so powerful i didn't really notice the power but this could be due to me riding a 2011 sherco 290. But the way it rode was very nice it was lovely and smooth on map 1 i also tried the other maps. The only thing I didn't like was the starting method press a button and you have 15 seconds to start the bike. I found this annoying but the build quality was great and so was the grip. But it is a bit on the heavy side compared to other 2 strokes I could notice the extra weight when riding it. But overall i thought it was very good it has put me of the new sherco a bit but the sherco is a lot cheaper and still rides nice.
  25. I test rode the vertigo in Northern Ireland and i was very impressed with it especially the grip which was amazing but the price puts me of its more expensive than the sherco factory. The camo is the standard model the icehell looks more impressive.
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