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Everything posted by dwb5151
  1. Good luck with your cota rr let us know how it gets on with plenty of pics because dam that bike looks good.
  2. Are they doing a test in Northern Ireland
  3. the repsol is £7000 which is a lot of money for a bike
  4. It seems the virtigo trials bikes are expensive compared to the other 2 strokes £6500 a bit expensive but i suppose for what your are getting its not bad its the same as the camo at £5750.
  5. Yes but there arent any new bikes which are out there that ride bad. Montesa problem is engine braking but you hardly notice it now
  6. The 4t is the Yamaha engine and the bike is supposed to be brilliant. The bike magazine done a review of it. There would finally be a 4t bike to give the montesa a run for its money because the old scorpa where bullet prove.
  7. Its actualy a yamaha trials bike but with the shero engine and frame which isnt a bad thing
  8. I read a a review of the new yamaha trials bike according to tem it was brilliant they are also bring out a 2 stroke model but its exactly the same as the scorpa Heres a vidio of it Heres the 2 stroke
  9. dwb5151


    I will definatly agree on that i worry more about the company's reliability instead of the bike. First it was gas gas, then it was ossa nows its jotagas but hopefully they will all come out better than what they where. Well the new gas gas looks good but the build quality puts me off but the way it rides well if it rides like the 2014 model it will be good.
  10. dwb5151


    In my opinion by the way it rides and its been tested for 2 years its reliable but people will say what will happen after 2 years of riding the vertigo. Dougie Lampkin isnt going to put his name on a bad bike. What you think?
  11. dwb5151


    Once their bikes start going for a while we will see what they are like. As technically they havent been proven yet but this doesnt mean they arent reliable by the looks of it they are going to be reliable and well made.
  12. Jotagas arent great bikes their are none over here. My local dealer hates them.The trials are now full of well proven bikes such as sherco, beta, montesa and gas gas.
  13. I would anyone have an idea on how much it would cost to powder coat a frame for a 2011 shero trials bike. The person who had the bike before me didnt look after the frame at all. Theres some rust and 2 dints where the forks have hit the frame.
  14. dwb5151


    I cant wait to try their other models especially the ice hell
  15. In northern Ireland they where supposed to arrive mid February but its been put back to March. I've already booked a test ride on a 300 which will be interesting if they arrive.
  16. dwb5151


    If it is as reliable as the montesa it will sell like hot cakes. The build quality, the grip ,the power!! Remminds me of my old 315r. I think its the way it rides the turning circle and the power what more could you want from a bike. It seems like they took all the best bits from the other bikes and put it on theirs. The ducati frame style the beta turning head. What you think? The thing i didnt like about the montesa was the weight but you dont have that on the vertigo.
  17. dwb5151


    Yea i 100% agree the mapping is brill and the grip and build quality is brill. It's far a head of any other 2 stroke. But the price isn't bad for what your getting. This would be the first time for me buying a new bike I want to make sure I buy the right one. At first my decision was between the new Sherco and the montesa. After the test ride it's either the vertigo or the montesa but I was very impressed with the vertigo.
  18. dwb5151


    Yes when you compare the build quality to other makes such as sherco (which has improved) its outstanding. In my opinion you may think this is silly but its a new montesa 315r but with a vertigo engine and being being sold by vertigo. I thinks its going to be bullet proof but i am not sure. They are selling the bike every where at £5750 this is so you cant get it cheaper so everyone has to buy it at the same price. The other good thing is you dont pay for delivery but does the bike arrive set up or do you have to do it. There is no dealer in Northern Ireland so you cant do a trade in. But back to the price its more expensive than the montesa cota which is £5500 which is a four stroke which definitly has been proven. What you think?
  19. dwb5151


    I going to get the vertigo the thing that surprised me the most was the grip. In my opinion the vertigo is a proper 2 stroke trials bike. I was so shocked when i test rode it on how good it is.But theres one problem for me is the price £5750 when you compare to other makes its expensive. But i suppose your paying for quality like the montesa. What do you think?
  20. dwb5151


    Just test rode the new vertigo trials bike. Its some bike the build quality is amazing and it rides brilliant. The one thing i noticed was the grip is was great 3 foot deep mud and it just ploughed through it. What do you think the reliability will be like it has been tested for 2 years but i am not sure what weaknesses it may have any idea. Many thanks
  21. dwb5151


    I am considering restoring a bultaco 350 sherpa. The entire thing needs serviced and the frame all over needs to be sanded down and resprayed. What is your opinion of the bultaco are they good bikes and is it worth restoring. The bike still has a spark and the engine turns over but i havent got it started yet.
  22. Sorry i cant find the images of the bike but if they turn up i'll post them sorry
  23. Hi you have water getting into you oil had same problem on my sherco its the gaskit seals at the water pump you need new ones
  24. I will try and get pics but it was on facebook it definetly was a new sherco. It was dark blue and black it looked great. It said it was the new sherco 4t trial bike whch is being tested in spain. I will try and find the images it might be difficult.
  25. I have been hearing rumours that there is going to be a 2016 sherco 4t trials bike. I didnt believe this but then i saw an image of one being tested over in spain. What is you thoughts and opinions of this. Do you think this is true? Do you think it is a good idea for sherco to bring back 4t trials bikes.
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