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  1. I inherited a late 70’s / early 80’s TY175 off my brother but it’s missing the petrol tank, I don’t suppose anyone has one kicking about they would like to sell ? thanks
  2. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
  3. I don’t suppose the banged up tank is still available is it ?
  4. Couldn't you of borrowed a pump ? I was lent one at the trial as I forgot mine too.
  5. Today I took part in my first ever trial (along with my son who is 8) The trial was run by Leamington Victory Motorcycle Club at Victory fields Warwickshire (which rather conveniently is just down the road from my house) We were both made to feel very welcome and had a great day, my son even managed to clear the first section (and I didn't) !! From today I have learnt .... tyre presssures really matter in this game ... and gear selection (it was wet muddy and very slippy) Looking forward to the next one now.
  6. Doesn't seem to work on my I phone ?
  7. I use a short strap around the rear wheel / upright, one strap from the point on the rack nearest the back of the bike around the frame just under the seat on the outside and another from the point on the rack by the front wheel around the frame on the inside. My bike is a 2001 Beta Rev 3. I have some pictures but don't know how I can put them on here since photobucket is now defunct.
  8. I was out riding the old beast on Sunday, no issues to start with, lots of slow speed figure of eights etc, then I went on a long trail across a field / meadow ..... When I arrived at the gate at the far end around 10mins later (which was locked) having not used my brakes at all, I had lost my front brake, lever to the bar nothing ......(the brake is usually one finger operation and really good). I rode back and kept pumping it and nothing for a while then all of a sudden it came back and has been fine since ?!? Air in the system perhaps ? Low fluid ? Doesn't make any sense to me.
  9. Tow bar and Dave Cooper Rack would be my idea ........
  10. If it's any help I just bought a 2001 beta Rev 3 250, I'm very new to trials and I haven't died yet !! Even used it on a makeshift pallet trials course in my back garden at the weekend with no ill effect.
  11. dingle

    Newbie Questions

    That's the badger ! Mine is just like that but a little less shiny !
  12. dingle

    Newbie Questions

    Thanks for the info .... ESTC ?
  13. dingle

    Newbie Questions

    I don't know how too ......
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