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Everything posted by endlessrain
  1. Hi Rob, Brill will do... Ill be getting a few hours in on my KTM this weekend might even try and fit a ride out on the gasser..
  2. Hey Rob, Thanks for the Info, Will get signed up asap. I would probably be able to do the same really, once every 2 weeks would be a good start. Dale
  3. Hey thanks for the link, i would certainly have gone along if i saw this post in time :/ Good to hear, will be signing up for the new year, how does it work there? When does it open for practice and do you pay a fee on the day?
  4. Hello Everyone, New to the Forum and indeed Trials... Earlier in the year i bought myself an old but exepctionally tidy, low use Gas Gas TXT 250 (2001), Love the chrome frame... Due to work and other biking commitments ive not really used it much but going forward into 2016 i want to put some real time & effort into getting out on it. Im a relative new comer to Bikes in general, i only started Riding in May this year (im 28), I jumped in the deep end and went straight into Enduro. from the get go i was constantly told to get a trails bike to improve overall... However in the last few weeks/months the trials bug has caught me, i really want to get some hours in and see how i fair... Ive discovered a Trials club within a reasonable distance from me, Milton Buzzards in Milton Keynes... Anyone a member?
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