yes, thanks already I bought one
hello, does any have a rear (or pair) mugduard for marlin / cagiva DG350 ?
hi boys., can anyone help my with the parts diagram or something else for k-roo? thanks szymon
ok, can i use a 212ccm cylinder with piston on a 249 ccm engine?
hi, does anybody have a workshop manual for fantic k-roo 1991?
thank's for the pics. no info about the piston ring gap. i think its +/- 0,2 mm but not sure. at my set is like a ONE mm!
Paul can you send it via email please? to low resolution - can't read... sszyndlar@gmail.com
thanks szymon
hi boys, does anybody now what the factory size of the gap of piston ring in fantic fm350 (trial 200) 156 ccm?
is it 0,1-0,3 mm?
check the kawasaki KDX200 pin 99% the same as fantic and cost max 10 pounds...
ok, found these
is the pipe "factory" empty or filled with "wool" ?
hi, can somebody help my ? i like to repack my exhaust on fantic trial 200. where to cut it ? 1 or 2 ?
p.s. does somebody any pictures of progres these operation?
I answer himself. yes - it fits.
Gear ratios are different but everything beyond the same.
if anyone knows, maybe .. or transmission of Fantic Fantic 212 FM 363 k k-roo roo can be used in the engine FM450 Fantic Trial 240.
I am also interested. does anyone have a photo documentation of the action?
ok. engine is runnig! thank's for help. the main problem turned out to be the ignition coil. I used Ducati. is great!
hi, red one = 675 ohms but the green = 39 ohms... i change all cable new.
what the NM tightening force of flywhell?
thank's szymon
hi, anyone can tell me what size of the Flywheel Woodruff Key in fantic 240? i lost my today... cant find.
can be matched with another motorcycle?
helllo. may i have some pictures of fantic 240 stator (complete one) ?
can somebody help my with the correct stator setup (timing)?
and what the ohm resistance values on RED / ORANGE / GREEN / BROWN cable ?
thans Grib! seny you a PM. nice weekend szymon
ok, thanks i just order the 26x1,5. one more question - what tool should use to block the flywheel?
like these? is it enough ? left-handed or right-hand thread
ok, i found but... 26x1,5 or 32x1,25 ????