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Everything posted by euan1
  1. Dont buy this bike. its the same as the beta zero i had. the overheating is cause the magnesium crank cases corrode leaving great big holes in them. they then leak water into the gear box. AVOID THIS BIKE
  2. euan1

    98 Techno 200

  3. euan1

    Build Quality

    i am just wondering about the build quality of gassers and about there reliabilty?? one of the things that also puts me off one is that i have heard the frame rusts easily.
  4. euan1

    How Much?

    i was hoping for around
  5. euan1

    How Much?

    how much should i ask for my 92 zero. it is in very good condition, runs well, and hjas had little use. it still has its original plastics on it. so how much do you think??
  6. euan1


    Im located in central scotland so no luck there I have advertised my zero in the local adtrader for
  7. euan1


    i am interested in buying a 1994 TYZ250 but i have to sell my Beta Zero first. Has anyone got any idea how sought after these tyz's are? A bit off topic but are the Beta Zeros still popular??Any one know thanks
  8. euan1


    am i right in saying that the tyz had an alloy frame as well as being watercooled?
  9. euan1

    Tyz Or Ty

    i am sorry for the 2 posts, but during the time it was adding the post my computer crashed and i did not realise my 1st one had been added. if that makes any sense
  10. euan1

    Tyz Or Ty

    were all the ty250 of 1994 watercooled z's or were there still aircooled ones as well.is the watercooled as reliable as the aircooled??
  11. euan1


    were all the ty250's of madel year 1994 the water cooled z's or was it possible to still have an aircooled one??
  12. any ideas please cheers
  13. http://www.osetusa.com/ the video is there!
  14. euan1

    Beta Zero

    Has no one any info on these bikes at all??
  15. euan1

    Beta Zero

    I would just like to know some general information about these bikes as I recently bought one. cheers
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