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Front man is Danny Butler, good bloke, pretty much that daft most of the time and is a very good rider, but probably better know in the cycle trials world
I can only speak from experiance, Gas Gas UK have been great with me in often difficult times with the state of the business. Always helped me out with any queries, advice on setup and repairs etc. The 4 bikes I have owned have 04, 17, 18, 19 vintages have not been without problems but I had no issues with spares, warranty claim and general maintenance and repairs. End of the day if you buy one you have to be willing to spin the spanners more than most, Admitedly, I am about to scratch the 4rt itch, most likely a silly idea if I'm honest but if you don't try you'll never know. The current climate with KTM and Gas Gas has played a part in that, I've been told KTM sales are generally low, not sure how true that is? Rumours of KTM treating dealers and associates pretty roughly, that's annoyed me the most of I'm honest. If it all settles and I can get the same level of service I have received previously from the same team then I'd happily have another 4 gassers if/when the 4rt beats me up.
Yup, I've seen it happen to a mates bike, grumblings from a couple of people he's not the only one. Could just be a few bad parts dropped through the net, it happens with all manufacturing processes. I'd just order a couple and inspect it regularly. Ragas bike is so bespoke it can't be compared to anything the average rider can buy. Although did Toby Martin's bike not suffer the same fate?
400ml is the amount people I know use in the pro bikes, and I believe the amount Factory Kev also recommends to use. Oil, I've used a few in various age gassers but have settled on Rock Oil GearPro. PutolineGp10 also worked well, never used ATF so can't comment on that. Think it's wise to stick to one oil where possible. As a fairly poor clubman rider, I have ridden expert riders bikes, two riding buddies own ex factory 300 gas gas uk bikes, neither have a heavy or stiff clutch, well setup definitely. Maybe I just got lucky and those bikes are just odd balls.
Nowt wrong with the Gaerne they've been decent, just wish they had a bit more protection. Fell lucky on work changing round so may be able to get to a dealer and try a few. Worst case back to gaernes again
Thanks, just what I needed to know. I spoke to a few people who have swapped from Gaernes and found them to be a good boot. As I said I would prefer to head to a dealer, but with other commitments, work etc etc it just won't happen anytime soon unless they open on Sundays or Gatwick/Atlanta airports ?
My second pair of Gaernes have bit the dust and fancy trying a pair of Stylmartins. Just wondered if anyone could offer advice on how the Stylmartins size up? For what it's worth I wear a 45 in Gaernes. I would prefer to go and try some on but it's a fair old round trip to a dealer, so generally works out cheaper to take an educated punt and risk the postage costs of a return... Thanks in advance
Bikes are a bit subjective, personally 250 or less and as new as you can realistically afford. All modern bikes will be more capable then nearly all riders, and all will have there good/bad points. Beta (stick to the EVO), GasGas, scorpa, TRS, Montesa, sherco seem to be the common makes I see at most trials. Head to a trial or a school and have a chat with people who ride, trials riders are a friendly bunch. I did a school first. Then watched a trial and spoke to a few people for advice on bikes, clubs, practice grounds, kit etc and even got offered a go on a few bikes while I was watching. Basics for kit would be bike, boots, helmet, gloves. Knee pads are handy. Most of my kit was second hand when I started and just upgraded as time went by.
Hi Darren, I'm based pretty locally to yourself, couple of junctions down the M5. There are quite a few clubs around the West Midlands. Redditch, Stourbridge, penkridge, Earl shilton, bewdley, Evesham, stratford..the list is a long one! Be worth taking a look at the Midlands AMCA and ACU Facebook pages to see what's on and get down to a local trial for a watch. People are friendly at trials, have a chat with some people and they're usually more than happy point you in the right direction. I'm sure there is an AMCA trial at Hobbs hole, Walsall this Sunday. There is also an events calander on trialscentral as well that will tell you when something local is happening. Before you go and buy a bike, kit etc I would suggest getting on a lesson. I can recommend heading up to leek and seeing Stu at Trialsday. Provides all the kit and a bike for the day. If you go for it and get your own bike/kit there is a decent group of riders around the west midlands that are out most weekends. Have a nose at The Tubby Trial Team page on Facebook, good bunch and we're a big help when I started out and there's usually a few out riding/mucking about somewhere in the Midlands. Hope this helps
Had a few gassers 05 through to 18 and they've all ran that bolt and bush arrangement. I think they've been there since 02 so always figured for the sake of a few quid just to find them, as the bolts hollow I tend to keep a spare and change it I have the clutch out, heard stories of a few been snapped off
Maybe no use at all, but I had a similar issue on my 18 last year, just decided to run badly, intermittent start but wouldn't run more than a couple of seconds, and then wouldn't play at all. Not sure which CDI you have, but I traced mine through and found the stator was good but CDI was putting less than 3v down to the coil, if it's any use I can dig the actual figures/sketch I made out? New CDI fitted and fired up fine.
Had a weak/eventually no spark issue on my 18 250. It just decided it wasn’t starting again, then spent ages chasing a spark, checked earth, tang through wiring etc. Turned out the issue was a faulty CDI unit. Apologies for the bad fag packet sketch, and if I’m telling you how to suck eggs, I’m not a fan of anything electrical. If stator/ignition setup is the same as my 18 it may give you some figures from a good stator/wiring to comapare with. Final confirmation for me I was seeing around 12v up to the cdi when cranking it over, dependant on arm strength, then less than 3v out to the coil. CDI had signs of splitting around the potting so I suspect moisture was the culprit.
I’m far from an expert but if everything fueling wise is good and as it was when running right then you could be looking in the wrong place. Maybe crank seal is leaking and it’s burning gearbox oil, hence the rich looking plug. As above worth checking spark is good and cover the basics before digging too deep
Maybe a bit of a long shot, I rememeber a few people having trouble with the choke sticking on the dellorto carbs. Maybe worth checking the plunger is operating correctly and the seals in there are good.
I wont get chance to take a closer look until tomorrow (18 E4). I'm 99% sure they sat flush to the outer face of the hub when I changed them in a 17 E4 Bearings fitted were: SKF - 6004 2RS BEARING - C3 - 20X42X12MM. Could point to the hubs being m/c a little deeper to take the wider bearing?