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Everything posted by rockclimbg
  1. Just an update: Took the fork apart and the bottom piece screwed off very easily. The fork was nearly out of oil on both sides! I am going to try to find a small o-ring that will work but I am not hopeful in finding one that will fit. I'll probably just use a light coat of yamabond. Not big deal. Thanks for all the replies and the video link!
  2. The bike is a 1996 BETA Techno. I am not the original owner. The left fork leg has developed a strange oil leaking issue at the base of the fork. I am attaching a few pictures. It is definitely not coming from another park of the bike. I could JB Weld the gap and get the leaking to stop but I didn't want to do anything until I got a second opinion. I have the owners manual but not the service manual which means that I am not 100% sure of how the fork is set up. I attached a few photos. Has anyone experienced this before? Any advice on how to proceed? Thanks for any help.
  3. Hi all, I've been riding enduro and continue to crave harder and harder terrain. In an effort to improve my enduro ability, I picked up a used trials bike. The thing is, I like riding trials as much as enduro, maybe more! I've been lurking on the forum for a good bit but came up with a problem on my bike that is going to require some TLC which finally got me off my butt to join. I am posting to the appropriate tech forum next. Thanks for maintaining a great forum!
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