...and back again. Looking forward to getting stuck in to a few South Midland Centre trials this year.
Not been near a trial in that time as work commitments and a few other sports got in the way.
I was riding clubman class back then. No idea what the standard is now. Have sections changed much? What are the entry levels like in SMC?
Bought a new Montesa 4RT which I have only ridden down to the village shop so far. Went for it as the quality seems so much better than the other bikes out there. And a bit of a Montesa loyalist having had a 172, 311 and three 315's back in the day. So the 4RT is my first proper trials 4 stroke and, apart from a TLR200 and minter TL125 I had to trail ride on and foolishly sold recently, pulls like a train but seems a wee bit fast at low speed. No worries, read all the chat on changing sprockets. Best is that the 4RT looks like a jet hose and WD40 for maintenance!
Anyway, over and out for now.
Looking forward to a natter back in the queues!