Try Steve Panter at Allens Performance, tell him Spen gave you his details ...
01949 836733
.... he rides one of our bikes (Yamaha 600 with CRMC)....
PS) There's a nice Scottish in front of me now....... We're sitting in the conservatory with a Montesa and a Greeves......
My old mate John Siddons is 84 this year and he's insistent that motorbikes and the friends he's met through 'bikes keep him young. He's the chap I showed you in the photo' racing the New Imperial at Mallory Park.
I've experimented with a lot of oils to get the best from my race bikes over the years and used them in my trials bikes. On the 'modern' 1960's two strokes (obviously not in the 'unit' four strokes, I found Caterpillar TDTO to give the best results. No clutch slip and no wear.
I know a lot of lads who use ATF in theirs.
Modern cheap 10/40 as used by bisby is as good as anything and far better than the best and most expensive stuff we used back in the day....
If anybody wants a litre or two of Cat' TDTO to try, pop in and I'll give you some.
And I feel like I've made a new mate, myself and johnboy999 have met up to talk trials and the old days, it's uncanny, our dogs share the same names, we know the same people. Wouldn't have known who he was if it wasn't for this forum.
Start the engine and set the tick over screw to get it to run without the need to work the twist grip.
Get a can of WD40 or similar and spray it around the carb rubbers, joints et cetera and see if there is a change in revs when you spray in certain areas.
I'm glad I'm not a youngster growing up in this day and age......... bloody ridiculous rules.
I was talking to a mate's lad the other day and he was on about having his Throttle Position Sensor reset..... a throttle position sensor is a bloody wrist as far as I'm concerned.
Batchglow, Dinnington, 40 quid, 24 hour turnaround ...
Go to your local pound shop and get a fiver's worth of their narrow wire brushes, they come in packs of around four.
Excellent for getting in to the hubs between the spokes, wear them out and chuck them in the bin.
You just need a bigger bike.
My motto: They don't put bay windows on ****houses.....
That'll do nicely. And a bit of Solvol.
I used to use Loy Blox in the old days.
Try a wire brushing session first if the spokes aren't too badly pitted. If they clean up ok, a light covering of zinc paint brings them back to an acceptable standard.
Footing? Footing? It was a dab in my day......
I can tell you where not to send one......
Pit, I have a friend down where you are, Pat Murphy, yes, really! He runs O'Murchu Mussels, top bloke.
Because we don't use the Euro in the UK.....
On the coal mining theme, anyone above a certain age will remember the Dunlop Trials boots, they were steel toe capped 'wellies' with finning on, an internal steel sole support and a good tread pattern to them. The NCB in the day supplied them to us as work wellies.... the chap in the stores at Whitwell Pit used to be amazed at how many pairs I wore out, if he'd gone to a trial in our area in the mid '70's he'd have seen quite a few pairs......
Happy days.....
Pit shorts? I used to wear them for a living.....
Excellent couple of pics....
.... and some of mine too........