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  1. Are you the with the the company that manufactures components ?

    Just curious.

  2. Absolutely fantastic news!!! Congratulations Jack......your success is richly deserved. Best wishes to you and your family.
  3. The anodising process Aluminium components are anodised by placing them in an acid, applying a voltage (the component is made the anode -- hence the term anodising) and artificially growing their own oxide to an even controlled thickness. This anodic thickness is not a surface coating, but is integral with the metal so a cut through it will not allow corrosion to creep between the metal and oxide. Sulphuric acid anodising The most common form of anodising is sulphuric acid anodising which offers an anodic film thickness beteen 3 and 25microns, depending on the end use of the components. The lower to middle ranges are ideal for decorative finishes which may be dyed, etched and/or brightened to enhancve the component's appearance. Anodic film thicknesses above 15microns are used for increased durability and external applications, where corrosion reistance and wear are the main criteria. Chromic acid anodising Chromic acid anodising produces an anodic film thickness between 3 and 7micorns. It does not have the same wear properties as sulphuric acid, but is more ductile and has frequent aerospace and militatry application, where it also provides a good "key" for paint and bonding. Chromic anodising is opaque in appearance and has the ability to detect cracks in cast components and emphasise grain structure in forgings. Alocrom Alocrom is the creation of a chromated conversion coating on aluminium prior to painting or powder coating. It provides a temporary protection and has electrically conductive properties. Powder coating Powder coating is an electrostatic process where powdered pigment is sprayed from a gun and is electrically attracted towards a component. Electrostatics ensures pigment is attracted to all exterior faces and no solvent is required. Finishes can range from high-gloss and metallic, to textured or clear. Wet painting Wet painting involves spraying a pigment suspended in a solvent onto a component which is rotated to give complete coverage. Almost any shape of object can be coated, including those with cavities. This website offers much more info on other coatings and i can highly recommend them, I use their Plastisol coatings on my footpegs, and their PTFE coatings on some of my cams. http://www.plasticcoatings.co.uk/processes.html
  4. Fantastic news Jack. It is a great achievement and one you richly deserve. Andy and i wish you every success for the future and hope this is the stepping stone to bigger and better things. The dream starts here mate.......the very best of wishes to you and your family, you will have made them all very proud.
  5. what is the gent doing in the bottom right of Andy's photo???
  6. I am looking at buying a DVD Camcorder but which one? It has to be easy to use and within a
  7. The body is 37mm long, excluding tails. At its widest, the diameter is 27mm. Hope this helps.
  8. Can anyone tell me the diameter of fuel pipe. Is it the same for all makes and model or does it vary??
  9. Ouch !! : All your feedback is greatly appreciated, even the negative stuff.
  10. Drop me a line i may be able to make you one.
  11. trialcast

    Engine Covers

    I have serioiusly considered casting replacement covers in aluminium. I did a few prototypes for the GasGas which came out great. They would be priced around the
  12. Jack came second on the day. But won the championship!!!!!! Congratulations Jack!!!
  13. If you can send me the original i can certainly make you one.
  14. Powder coating will eventually wear off over time, but it is a fairly resiliant coating. For a bullet proof coating have you considered a bakeware product such as Teflon. There are a wide variety of colours, but the matt black is the best.
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