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  1. The best way to learn is on flat floor. You need a wall to hold youreself and very thin tyres. A trials unicycle is very very hard to learn because of the fat tyre. You better buy a very cheap one to learn ore use maximum tyre pressure. Fore trials you need to put the saddle verry low, but to learn you heve to put it high. I hope this wil help you. Greetz from Holland
  2. Like i posted before, there is a trick that will fix youre problem. Clean the brake pads with some sandpaper. Then put some hardner ( from 2k paint) on it, let it dry fore a day , then again clean it with sandpaper. Be careful the first time you test it because you dont want to eat your front fender. Succes. Let us know youre results. See my other topic: http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index....8&hl=brakes
  3. I am happy there is someone who feels and think the same as i do. Reading most of youre opinions, i gess there is no market fore it. I like to explain whats my point. I am a low class fundriver without ambitions to be a pro. Lets say i go to the trials shop, i have 5500.- euro in the pocket, ready to spent on a brand new trialsbike. I like 4 stokes,but prices at 6500.-up. I can buy a beta ,sherco ,GG ore a scorpa 1254stoke, and............ Yes there it is a tlr with some modifications ( must be possible fore that price). What would i buy? Yes, youre right. What i mean is they can build a good 4 stroke at a 2 stroke price, but without to much modern technics. So thats the only thing i want to make clear.
  4. I think there is, but they have to build it in a commercial roadversion too. Think of the japanees market and in spain fore a example. If they dont build it, mabey somone else wil. Thats wy i like to know what youre expectations are of a bike like this. Building ore rebuilding is not a problem, but getting a good engine is difficult i think. Someone knows more about a tlr engine build in licence? If Honda never is gonna make a bike like this, maby the chinees ore tai's wil. I know, i am a dreamer, but stil want to know what you want to chance at the original concept. So please post youre vision of a 2007 TLR.
  5. Lets say that honda wil bring out a brand new TLR, how much wil you pay fore it? Like the car manufactory do with the beetle, the mini , the ford GT and others. So its a hype to bring out old models in a new look. I think its an idee, and a commercial good one to bring out a new popular model. Lets say its the TLR, they can sell lots of them. like they did before on her own local markt, what would you like to improve on the bike. Price must be so low as possible to get good salesfigures. My opinion is, chance as les as possible an make it a max. 5000 euro bike. What do you like to chance within this priceclass? Stiffer alu frame. Disk brakes, as you cant ride classics because its a new bike. Make it as light as possible, but stay at the low price. What would i like to keep: *Stereo shocks, because monos have a to long rear swing arm, and thats not good fore the weigthbalance. *Cabelclutch, never had a good hydraulic one on non of my modern bikes. *Position of the footrests must stay the same. *Simple carb, instead of difficult injection. Thats my opinion of my ideel new low budget 4 strioke trialsbike. If Honda would build it again in a road version ( simply to rebuild as a full trials version) and a trialsversion, they have not so muchs development costs, and they can build this cheaper bike. So my question is, what would you pay fore this bike and what would you like to chance at the old concept. And would you buy it? Please post youre opinion
  6. 1985tlr

    What Is This?

    Is there sombody who knows more about this? Its fore sale in holland. Is this original ore home made? They say its a tl 125, in a Fraser frame, made in UK. http://www.mijnalbum.nl/Foto=RNVQ3MVS I never heard of it, do you? Whats it worth?
  7. 1985tlr

    Rtl Kick-start

    Partnumber of a kickstarter tlr 200 28300-KJ2-670 I think this fits and stil availeble at your hond dealer.
  8. 1985tlr

    Rtl Kick-start

    A brand new one form the Honda dealer 86.- euro thats about 62 GBP. I can get it in two days.
  9. 1985tlr

    Drumbrake Tuning

    I am very happy, my trick works for you as well. Keep us updated.
  10. Are these the same as on the bj-trials site? What kind of material is used for it? Is it fiberglas ore plastic. Price must be very intresting, because of the extra costs for shipping to europe and import taxes. But it looks good.
  11. Just had my tlr200 on the scale. Rearwheel 52 kg frontwheel 41.2 kg Thats 93.1 kg including fluids, original exhaust and lightkit. I dont have the original lightkit at the front, but a acerbis frontlight. So i think without the lightkit i can save about 1,5kg. So lets say 92kg? Original tank/seat can also replaced fore a lichter one, you can save a lot of weight whit that.
  12. If you want to drive an old bike, i think you have to look for a Honda TLR. There 4 on ebay now. If you want to know why, look at the honda section on this forum. But one of the reasons is the light and good working clutch, just needs a few millimeters between lock and unlock, and it needs not much power of your fingers. After 5 years GasGas ( 2000 txt280 and 2003TXT280Pro)its a very plesant expirience. Regards from an also old and fat person.
  13. Is it ready yet? I cant wait to see pics of it.
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