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  1. Try polishing the float needle seat with an earbud and some very fine polish. Sometimes it is all that is needed.
  2. No need to strip the cover off to check. If there is a plastic spacer between the casing and the cover, it should have a weight on.
  3. katana

    Budget Trials Build

    I am just waiting for the first video of you riding it... When I get a bike I strip and rebuild. I replace what is worn or damaged and end up with an as new bike. I couldn't do what you do.
  4. katana

    Budget Trials Build

    Coming along nicely!
  5. katana

    Budget Trials Build

    Lots and lots of soapy water.
  6. katana

    Budget Trials Build

    The man cave, every man needs one.
  7. I own a 2001. The part of your post referring to a 4mm allen key is confusing. Remove disk guard - if fitted. Completely slack off the pinch bolts on the RHS. Use a 10mm allen key to unscrew the axle from the RHS until it just turns without unscrewing. Tap the axle from the LHS - I usually use the 10mm allen key and my hand to push the shaft out.
  8. To make it worse. I shortened the bolt and could not understand how I mixed it up, only to find the guard behind a shelf 3 months later. To be fair, I stripped the bike when I bought it. lol
  9. Glad to know I wasn't the only one...
  10. katana

    Newbie Questions

    If your bike has upside down forks - 2000. Conventional forks with the air filter cover on the side 2001/2. I emailed Beta for a manual specific for my model and they send me a scanned copy - very nice of them. If you send me your email address, I will send it on. BTW, mine is a Blue 2001.
  11. My Rev 3 does it when cold. Once warmed up, no knocking. Does yours do it all the time?
  12. katana

    Budget Trials Build

    Can't wait to see a video of you riding it.
  13. Correction. The casing on the 2001 water pump is sound as it is not magnesium. I have finished my refresh on my 2001 and it is very enjoyable. Definitely a bargain.
  14. katana

    Budget Trials Build

    Glad to see you are still going on.
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