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Everything posted by diesel2607
  1. Thanks bad punctuation It's been fitted for a year do do you think it could be a broken wire somewhere i am really not good at electrics i thought maybe something was stuck but tapped it a few times and nothing
  2. Just back from a trial today I have a jitsie magnetic kill switch fitted at section 6 I stopped bike using the kill switch started it again rode the section and at section 7 tried to use the kill switch to stop the bike again and the engine just kept running I have tried the magnet on and and off a few times Aswell as gentle tapping to see if the inside is stuck up but no joy any advice on what I could try would be great Thanks in advance hopefully get this sorted soon
  3. OK thanks I did notice from a video my legs were very straight and others who were successful were much more bent
  4. Yeah thanks for replies I was in 3Rd gear but I did think less throttle but the time I flipped I had alot of power on and at least got further than any other attempt I did notice people crouching on their bikes would I keep my weight central or slightly back if using this technique
  5. Was at a trial today and one section very slippery long hill climb pretty steep 3 out of4 times I never got grip at all and failed the climb Early just spinning and once I got decent traction but had to much power on or weight to far back and flipped my bike but felt I had enough momentum up until this point to make it any pointers in what I could try
  6. Thanks for the help master cylinder refurbished seems to be working now just a month to wait now until next trial I will miss the one next week
  7. I will look at the master cylinder tomorrow I have had a look at beta UK there kit says seals and piston so just checking if you definitely get a piston in this kit if anyone knows part number is 2008257 can't make my next trial so have plenty time to sort this cheers for the help
  8. Ok so just the seal kit should sort out my sticky piston and clean up the piston while I have master cylinder off the bike cheers for the help
  9. OK thanks for detailed reply this sounds like it could be my problem will have a look over the weekend am I able to just buy the piston where is the best place to get one I have only seen seal kit without the piston for rev 3 cheers
  10. Is the piston inside the master cylinder I don't seem to be leaking any fluid so would it just be a case of removing the master cylinder and cleaning the piston and everything else reassemble and bleed as I have new break pistons to go in the caliper so would do all work and just bleed once as it took ages last time I did it
  11. Thanks for the reply I have much more play than that maybe 5-6mm maybe I will have to bleed the brake some more the brake is working though
  12. Where do I get a brake return spring for 2005 rev 3 does the one from the evo fit and is the pedal ment to cone back up sharply mine comes up so far but not all the way back to the stop any ideas how to sort this
  13. I have riden a trial last Sunday and I have noticed that my rear brake doesn't lock or work until the bottom of its travel the brake is working but only right at the bottom of the travel and ideas how to get this sorted so it works nearer the top is it just a case of adjusting the pedal travel or something else I should be looking at
  14. just wondering are the 2005 beta rev 3 brake pistons the same size front and back or is there a difference or a reason you couldn't use front pistons in a rear caliper
  15. Had a really good day cleaning a good few sections on the novice route only had one 5 for a stall one question do I need to switch my fuel off while walking a section or waiting in a que or just leave it switched on
  16. Well tomorrow is the day looking forward to it although really don't know what to expect I am a complete beginner
  17. Thanks for replies got to wait another week now just really looking forward to getting my bike out properly I have noone to ride with and very limited practice area
  18. Hi all I have had my first trials bike since April and has always been aiming for an introduction to trials day on the 27th to be my first proper ride unfortunately this has been postponed a week due to being waterlogged I was really looking Forward to it so fingers crossed for best week any pointers for a beginner going to their first event
  19. The pins are both the same length 22mm
  20. The advert I bought from says what I bought was for ajp and grimeca master cylinders so I thought must be OK maybe not will compare with old ones tonight
  21. OK will give it a clean and try spinning it is it right to just push the pin through the grommet and then put the spring on the other side
  22. diesel2607

    Brake Grommets

    I have bought new pins and grommets for my clutch and brake I have fitted them OK but can't get the grommet to stay in the little recess it pulls back towards the lever when I let go any tips or advice to get this grommet to stay where it is ment to
  23. Right still working on this new pistons in both moving in and out bled with caliper off so I could rotate alot of air came out still not able to skid do you think this might still be more air in the system any help as this is annoying me now and need bike for the weekend desperate to get on It again
  24. Could the pads be shot because of overheating
  25. OK so I have done pistons and seals got movement in the pistons and a half decent feeling brake but still not very strong can only just about lock up on wet grass when I throw my weight forward but the brake is working any further advice to get a good rear brake
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