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Everything posted by diesel2607
  1. Just trying to add a video but it's bigger than 10 mb anyone tell me how I do it please
  2. hi guys on going problem I got the front brake working but now it has very little power as in if I am sliding down a muddy hill I cant control my speed with the front brake and it definitely hasn't got the power for me to do a nose wheelie sometimes the brake feels ok but still is low on power and other times the brake is very soft feeling the pistons are moving freely and brake is working but very weak any help on this would be great
  3. I could well be lifting my feet off pegs but not realising any tips on trying to solve this problem
  4. OK thanks I haven't done much hopping so will try that for a while then go back to trying double blip is there a big jump needed to get rear up as the good riders on video seem to make it look effortless
  5. Hi I have got to a point where all the obstacles where I ride are either very easy for me or to big but I also have very limited choice apart from a big mound of dirt and a few rocks I have been trying to learn double blip I can get a small amount of rear wheel lift but it just goes straight up and down no forward movement so I either get over small rocks or clatter inti them with bash plate if bigger I have watched many videos and still can't master the techniques any help and advice would be great
  6. Hi I am very new to trials Aswell only got my first bike a few weeks ago I am from near forres
  7. OK thanks will look there do they do just the o ring as a separate part
  8. Mine is leaking when back together and on the bike it was OK went for a ride then next day brake was soft and I now notice a little bit of oil coming from the join between the 2 halves
  9. Does anyone know if you can buy the small o rings from anywhere as brake is working just fluid seeping out of the split and I think air getting in there making brake soft
  10. I still have the disk guard on I split caliper last week and o ring fell out now it's seeping is the a certain way to put oring as one side is flat one is rounded
  11. diesel2607

    Caliper O Ring

    Anyone know the size of the little o ring between the two halves of a 4 pot grimeca caliper mine is oozing brake fluid from between the two halves
  12. OK will try that I had thought it could still be air just glad I am getting somewhere good luck with your trial I am really new to it just getting practice at the moment
  13. think I have got somewhere now stripped caliper pistons out and drained master cylinder cleaned and rebuild little bits of dirt in the bore behind the piston bled system have a lever now and not sticking just lever is a bit soft is that just a case of adjusting the pull at the lever or something else thanks for all the help on this
  14. I have tried the brake on the bike it works but just gets more and more pressure at the lever and pistons stick making brake bind I have adjusted lever all the way out still same thing happens
  15. Do you all think this could be caused by air still being in the caliper as I xan easily push pistons back with screwdriver or by hand if caliper is split after this brake is soft pulls back to bars and after a few mins riding gets hard and outside pistons have stuck out really annoying Me now just want to get out and practice lol
  16. I have tried all the things suggested in the post but still get this very hard lever after a couple minutes of riding and pistons out a few mm not sure if it's still air in system somewhere or something else
  17. Hi everyone after a bit of help I have recently changed the front pads on my 2005 rev 3 I had to push the pistons back to get new pads in this was easy no corrosion and pushed back with my thumbs however I did split the caliper to make this easier.I have back bled the brake and don't think any air is still in there now my problem when I push the pistons back I have no pressure at the lever if I pump a few times I get pressure but after a bit of use the pistons stay out about 2-3mm and brake gets very hard not much movement in lever if I push pistons back some thing happens over again Any ideas what would solve this or advice would be great as I am confused over this at the moment thanks
  18. I have managed to get a lever now brake works well so thanks for pointers but now when I pushed bike into shed the front brake is sticking a bit I can see pistons in outside haven't gone all the way in I pushed them back with my thumbs when changing pads so thought they were OK could thus still be air trapped
  19. Thanks for reply so the problem is still just air in the system will have to find a big syringe and try that
  20. Hi I was out on bike last week and front brake felt a bit soft lever was pulling about two thirds back I had very worm pads and changed them now the lever pulls back to the bars I have tried bleeding but no change don't know what else to try and help would be great
  21. Mine is an 05 it is the rear pads I am having problems with there is no spring clip just an Allen bolt holding the pads when I try and put the inside pad in I can't get it down low enough as I hit the hub
  22. Got the outside one in do you need to remove wheel to get inside one back in
  23. Noone changed rear pads on a rev 3 does the eye go in towards the front or rear of the caliper
  24. hi I have just bought new brake pads for a 2005 beta rev 3 and have managed to get the old pads out but cant seem to get to the new pads in has anyone any tips on the best way to put the new pads in I am obviously doing something wrong pistons are all the way back so the are not stopping pads going in I am trying to put the bit that sticks out into the caliper first then turn it towards the rear of the bike but cant get the back edge of the pad to go back into the caliper any advice would be great
  25. I have been trying to hop the front end but when try the rear brake is not holding to allow me to get the front up riding along it will only skid if my weight is right forward any tips on what I can try to get rear breaking working better
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