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  1. Hi Charlie, i realize that this may be a little on the expensive side (
  2. Thanks for the responce, i actually like the idea of the Copper gasket, will have to look into it. I made a few phone calls today, and spoke to someone who said he could make a base gasket out of Carbon Fibre ! What do you think, he said that he could get the right thickness to match the original ??? Gaff.
  3. Does anybody know of a manufacturer who would make me a one-off base gasket. Or better still supply me with a base gasket for a Hiro 350T engine as used in the Armstrong/CanAm 320 Trial. I totally ruined mine whilst removing the barrell to inspect the piston and bore (proved to be a waste of time as they are both in good condition). The gasket itself is like a thick plastic with a fine wire mesh within, so therefore, i am not really interested in cutting a Cornflakes box to match Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  4. Is that excluding modifying a silencer on a 4RT then Spud ? ? ? Where have you been lately, have not not seen you out playing ? I don't think any bike is right for any rider out of the crate, so to speak. From handle bar position to putting extra weight on your fly-wheel. As much as i like the Gas Gas Pro 250, they always seem too easy to stall, maybe it is just my riding (which is much to be desired), if that is the case and going with Woody's experience, then is this not the best modification for a rider much like my-self ? Gaff.
  5. Just curiouse to know, seen advertised "extra fly-wheel weights" for the Gas Gas Pro series bikes, has anybody tried them, what are they like to fit, and more importantly, do they work ? I have ridden a few Gasser 250's, and although i stalled them a few times, felt it was more of a case of getting used to the engine. Gaff.
  6. And what is your veiws on the Montesa Cota 200, (started on one of these when i was 1+ erm, much younger !) There seems to be plenty about. Gaff.
  7. gaff

    Sherco 3.2

    Just my two pence worth, the Montesa 4RT had a problem with some bolt to do with the kick-start (don't quote me on that), all bikes were recalled and sorted. Then the Sherco 4T had a problem with wiring, i thought it was something to do with the spark-plug cap/wiring (don't quote me on that either), and as far as i am to believe Sherco have put that right as well. Nothing comes out new, and is perfect from the word go, i have ridden a Montesa 4RT, which i liked alot, but i'm not sure on this electronic ignition business, where as i prefer the look of the Sherco and the fact that i can do the carb myself, BUT, as yet have not ridden one ! Gaff.
  8. In your view, what would you say is the better twin-shock bike to compete on as in :- "a competitive bike", and secondly "for spare parts availability". Gaff.
  9. gaff


    I recently saw a picture of an Air-cooled mono-shock Yamaha TY250 (Red frame, White plastics) that had been converted into a twin-shocker, looked pretty neat, sure the bike was on drum-brakes front and rear, think it was in T+MX News. I have trouble with muscles in my left arm (following a bad accident a few years ago) that has made me consider putting one of those hydraulic clutch conversions in place of the cable on one of my old dogs! It would be interesting to see what peaple have to say about this and what the rules actually stipulate. Gaff.
  10. In responce to the "fuel tank" repair thread, does anybody know of a company in the UK that can repair the lower side panels (Armstrong 320) on my Tank-and-seat unit as they have been worn away and now splitting apart, and respray/paint the whole thing back to it's original colour ? Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  11. They are both "in line", the question is, which one does what ? Gaff.
  12. Hi all, just gone to change the oil in my Armstrong 320, referred to the manuel (which is not all that !), which tells me that there is ONE drain plug, on removing the Bash-plate i found that there are TWO plugs/bolts that are identicle to each other, so which one do i remove to drain without the gear-box resorting to sound effects of a "Road Runner" cartoon clock exploding ! ! ! Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  13. Hi, i tend to use Silkolene SRG75 which i change every eight trials, the handbook quotes Elf HTX976 to be changened every three. Also, the handbook is worth having, i have seen a couple on Ebay recently. Hope this helps. Gaff.
  14. gaff

    Armstrong Mono

    Hi Steve, i believe that the disc brakes on that bike were added after the bike was made. Do you know if it was sold ? Also, thought i would post a pic of my CCM mono and my new/old beastie, an Armstrong 320, only just bought it, intend to restore it soon, and maybe enter it in a twin-shock class at some point. Wha'd'ya think ! P.S. If anybody is interested in the CCM, drop me an e-mail at :- michelleb8@blueyonder.co.uk , as i am thinking on selling it as i just do not have the space.
  15. gaff

    Fork Rebuilds.

    Cheers, will be in touch with them soon ! The "SIX NATIONS" is looking good for us ! ! ! Cymru am byth. Gaff.
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