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Everything posted by gaff
  1. Sorry, i meant "re-condition" not "re-built". Thanks for the responce guys, the carb is the Amal Concentric MkII. Although i agree with you HondaRS about (especially) using the Dell-Orto carb, i am trying to keep the bike as original as when it left the factory in 1988. Saying that, think i shall still look into a price for both an Amal and Dell-Orto. Regards. Gaff.
  2. Playing with my other toy today, noticed that the throttle will stick open, but only while the bike is running, switch engine off and the throttle will snap back perfectly, done this every-time. Cleaned and checked every-thing, (twist-grip and cable are new and oiled, as is the handle bar end clean of any grime) and noticed that the slide and the inside of the carb (1988 Amal) has scour marks, do you think that this could be sticking with the air-flow from air-box to the cylinder ? Can carburettors be re-built or would it be more cost effective to buy a new one ? Gaff.
  3. Done just the same to my bike a couple of months ago, really scoured the rear disc. So replaced with new disc and pads, a very expensive trial, i now carry spare pads. Funny thing though, i set a better score on the last loop ! Gaff.
  4. Used Motor Cycle New's TV guide as well as all the usual guides, ended up most of the time watching Sumo Wrestling ? ? ? Gaff. PS. Happy New Year !
  5. gaff

    Ossa Websites.

    Cheers for the links JayLael. Does anyone know of good suppliers of Ossa Gripper parts in Europe or the States. Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  6. Apart from the cc difference, why is there such a hike in price ? Gaff.
  7. Just my view on the noise thing, slightly different bike, but i had an 86 Honda RTL250S, and, (whilst watching a friend having a go up a long steep climb) the engine on tick-over would be that quiet that you would have thought that it had stalled, untill the throttle is opened, then it would really come into it's own on the noise level, which was a nice pleasing warm mellow sound, but not as bad as my mates bike that happened to be a 02 Beta 270. Gaff. P.S. On the foot peg thing, i always change mine to Hebo's.
  8. gaff

    Ossa Websites.

    Just wondering if there are any good Ossa websites out there. Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  9. I read somewhere that they (BVM) are having something like three Montesa 4RT's on test. I hope to be going, more to try out the Beta and Scorpa 250's, and maybe the new Mont ! Gaff.
  10. What is the pre-mix ratio for an air-cooled Rotax 240 (SWM) ? In other words, how much do i need to put in to 5 Litre's of Optimax ?? Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  11. gaff

    Chain Length ?

    Just changed my front sprocket from a 11 tooth (as i bought it) to a 10 tooth keeping the 42 on the rear (as standard on an 03 315), but the chain i took of was 102 link, as is the chain i have been advised to put on ! What chain do you use on a 10-42 set-up, with the wheel spindle set nearest to engine ? Thankyou. Gaff.
  12. Never had a problem, always have parts, and always ready with advice. VIVA Sandifords. Gaff.
  13. Hiya, just fitted new spindle for the CCM that was made by CSP Engineering (01732) 886366, works an absolute dream, perfect workmanship. Just want to take this opportunity to thank r2wtrials for the tip, Cheers mate ! All i have to do now is give the forks a total rebuild. Gaff.
  14. gaff

    Clutch Knock.

    Cheers JayLael and BetaBoy, i meant to say that the noise seems to come from within the left hand casing, but once warmed up works fine. Would it cause much damage eventually if i were to keep using the bike like this ??? Thanks again. Gaff.
  15. gaff

    Clutch Knock.

    Just bought myself an 03 Montesa, and i have noticed if i work the clutch lever when the bike is not running, there is a knock from the engine, but this soon goes once the engine has been warmed-up, and the clutch is nice and smooth. I never had this on my 2000, or known of it on any of my mates Montesa', any ideas, do you think it is any thing to worry about. Cheers. Gaff.
  16. Sidcup and district are holding a Sidecar only trial on 31/October/04, classes for all for only
  17. Cheers r2w. Phoned them yesterday and it sounds just like the sort of firm i'm looking for. Gaff.
  18. gaff

    Identifying Model

    I was told a little while ago that within the Frame number would be the letter R followed by either another letter or number, such as :- RV would be a 97 RW 98 RX 99 RY 2000 R1 2001 R2 2002 R3 2003 R4 2004 How true this is i don't know, maybe some of TC's Montesa owners can verify this. Gaff.
  19. Thought it was time to do some more work on my CCM, but i have found that my swinging-arm spindle (the one that goes through the sub-frame, swinging-arm and rear of the engine casings) is well and truly mullered, i have found that an SWM one may fit, just a case of getting my act together and finding out. But my good friends, i thought i would try and get one made. Can you help, do you know of any engineering firms that could help. Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  20. Yep, sorry mate, i meant the one that goes through the frame, swinging-arm and engine. Though i will try Youmee on Monday to see if they can help. Other wise, the more help the better. Cheers. Gaff.
  21. Hi, I wonder if any of you know of any engineering firms that could custom fabricate a "swinging-arm spindle", as the one i currantly have is in dire need of replacing, and i cannot get a replacment anywhere. Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  22. Cheers Endo Kid, done the same with my Montesa's, but speaking to a reputable dealer who aired caution, just made me wonder if there was anything awkward about Beta electrics. Gaff.
  23. Has anybody had problems with removing the wiring-loom from a Rev-3 (02), and replacing with a (Yamaha style) kill switch. Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  24. Just noticed that Jean-Pierre Goy (1981 Kick Start champion) is appearing at the "Beaulieu Motor Cycle World" Show on the 26th and 27th of June. www.beaulieumotorcycleworld.co.uk Gaff
  25. gaff

    Rtx Motorcycles

    Try Moto Merlin on (01403) 257626. I'm not saying they will have parts, but they may be able to help point you in the right direction. Good luck. Gaff.
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