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Everything posted by gaff
  1. gaff

    Rtl Oil Coolers.

    An 85/86 RTL250S that i've seen has an Oil-cooler fitted to the top-left of the left-hand down tube, and also i remember that the works bikes (270cc) also had these. Do they help ? Are they still available ?? or is there any substitutes that would do the same job ??? Just curious. Gaff.
  2. VERRRY NICE. Booma, is that a one-piece tank-seat unit ? Ifso, where did you get it from ??? Thanks for the info TLPaul and Sparky. I've thought about Beta Alp's or Honda XR's, but i fancy a twin-shock trials again thats 4-stroke, something i missed out on in my youth. Gaff.
  3. Hi, try Jeff Bungay at Mainly Spanish M/Cs on (01425) 611287 www.mainly-spanish.com or Dave Renham at Bultaco UK on (01784) 440033 www.bultacouk.com Gaff.
  4. TLPaul, that reminds me, what is the difference between the TLR200E and the Reflex, apart from colour ? Along with the bikes i already have, my (dream) collection would consist of :- Ossa 250 Mk1/Mk2 (the bike that first got my attention) Triumph Tiger Cub (always liked these) 88/89 Honda RTL250S Double-disc (to go with my 87 Pink and White one) etc etc. And a few spare
  5. TLPaul. Na, the more i looked into the TLR250R the more i went off of it. But the TLR200/250's i've always had a bit of a soft spot for (as well as RTL's, but then again what 4-stroke trials fan has'nt). Another mad-cap idea i have had recently is to get an 87 RTL (it's OK, the bike had already been broken) frame, swing-arm, shock and other bit's and pieces and put a Kawasaki KLR250 engine in it, if it fits ? But, it's only a passing thought, and will most probably never happen ! Gaff.
  6. Been toying for ages about getting another 4-stroke that i could use in "twin-shock" and maybe "green-lane" events, and was curious to know what your views on the Honda TLR200/250 were. I have an old brochure from '83 that states "HRC optional tune-up kit" what would that comprise of ? Apart from removing the lights/electric-pack, would there be anything else i should consider changing. And lastly, what are spares like ? Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  7. gaff

    Wheel Rims

    Bikespace, yep Salisbury number, company called "Brickwood Aluminium Rim Co Ltd". But as Marky G has found, could prove expensive. Gaff.
  8. Sound bullit proof bikes, i have ridden one since i got back into trials (2000 in Silver), was going to upgrade to a Scorpa next, but now most probably a 03 Montesa. Agree with all the above, but i tried the Boyesen Reeds and didn't like them, so put an extra gaskit on the head instead. GO FOR IT. Gaff.
  9. gaff

    Front Brake Locking.

    Thanks for the responce. Checked all the above, and all seems to be OK, as i said i released pressure (brake fluid) from the caliper and all was ok all day last Sunday, not using the bike this weekend, but i will check tomorrow evening. Gaff.
  10. Went to give my 2000 Montesa the usual quick once-over last Saturday after-noon (ready for Sunday), and found that the front brake was locked on, the bike was okay when it was last put away after being stripped, cleaned and re-assembled. The brake pads are at the most 8 trials old, as is the fluid, i originally thought that the front wheel bearings were binding, but remembered somebody had a simular problem with a 97 Beta Techno, and solved it by releasing brake fluid pressure from the caliper, as i did. My bike was then okay and all day Sunday, any reasons for this, could it have been the cold weather we have had lately ? Am i over looking something ?? Just curious. Gaff.
  11. gaff

    This New Fantic?

    When is this new Fantic site opening up ? Or is somebody still messing with the Blue-prints Gaff.
  12. gaff

    New 4 Strokes

    I was told by a reliable source that Scorpa would have a 250 Liquid Cooled 4-stroker at the SSDT. Just curious to know if Beta and/or Gas Gas have anything ? Gaff.
  13. I had the same thing with my Montesa, i ended up putting some longer bolts and washers between where the fender bracket bolts to the fork sliders, thus lifting the fender away from the tyre. Gaff.
  14. gaff

    Wheel Rims

    Marky G, aluminium rims from
  15. gaff


    Have you tried J.K.Hirst on (01274) 480388, or Nigel Birkett on (01229) 716806. Gaff.
  16. gaff

    Jason Finn

    There is a interview with Jason Finn in this months "Street Fighters" magazine. Gaff.
  17. gaff

    New 4 Strokes

    So i understand it Montesa, Scorpa and Sherco will have 4-strokes at the SSDT. Can't wait. Gaff.
  18. Who said anything about DRZ engines, i suppose i was thinking along the lines of Yamaha developing the TY engine into the TYZ, for instance, could the new L/C 4-stroker be termed as a TYZ-F ? Then is it plausible for Suzuki to develop a new engine called the RL-F ? Time to wake up and go to bed. Gaff.
  19. Hi Jeff, despite the reputation Renthals have, i'm still undecided (i use both Renthal and Domino on my bikes). Gaff.
  20. Of my three bikes, 2 have Renthals and the 3rd (my main bike) has Domino. The reason i originally switched to Domino was of the reputation that Renthal was getting for snapping. I have since witnessed at meetings a pair of Renthals bend and a pair each of Domino's and Hebo's snap. What i am trying to say is that Renthal seems to be getting all the bad reputation when actually they have almost 50% of sales (see thread "POLL which bars do you use"). It seems to me that we take this gamble on bars snapping no matter which we purchase. Gaff.
  21. gaff

    Rtl Spark Plugs.

    Thanks DonD. Gaff.
  22. The bike belongs to Jean Calieiou, who still rides it regularly, Mick Andrews gave in 2nd place in the Concours Competition. Acording to this weeks T+MX. Gaff.
  23. Subira, an interesting idea of Suzuki getting back in, they supply engines to CCM, who themselves produced some very nice bikes using BSA B40 engines, and later when they became Armstrong using both the Hiro and Rotax units. Imagine a British CCM trials bike with a thump of a Suzuki. Gaff.
  24. In responce to Jeff Geisen' thread made me curious to what the actual percentage of Handle Bars used by Riders is. Click honestly (one answer per member) so we can see what the ratio actually is. Gaff.
  25. Subira, ya g*t. That was you was it, some thing about two big Japanese MX companys (one in Green, one in Yellow) supplying engines. I was getting all excited about it, actually considered selling all my bikes to try and get one of the first ones out. Gaff.
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