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Everything posted by gaff
  1. Mick did say that the conversion is "only a bolt-on". He did also comment that it's a shame but the SY250 rear fender won't fit the new 125. Thanks for the lead DGShannon, i'll look into it. Personally, the bike of the show for me was Mick's Ossa, plain white and with what looked like a nickel coated frame, this is the bike that started it all for me, and whats more, there were plenty of Ossa's for sale in the Auto Jumble, in various states of repair, a nice Mk 1 would suit me. Gaff.
  2. gaff

    Honda Tlr250r ?

    TLPaul. Bats have in stock a couple of TLR200's one white that needs alot of work and parts at
  3. gaff

    Rtl Spark Plugs.

    Okay, spark plug on my 87 RTL has ceased to be, which is the same as the one listed in my "owners manual, spare parts section", being an "NGK T2028-5", then on the next line it quotes "D6EA" ? But then ealier in the book under "inspection.adjustment" it quotes "replacement plug :- "NGK D5ES" ? Help, which one should i put in, and why would there be 3 variations of plug on the same bike, which do you recommend. Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  4. Marky G. Trying to remember what was said, while Mick was talking to me, i was like (Homer Simpson mode) "wow, Mick Andrews is talking to me !", and there-fore i only took in drips and drabs (Sorry). But, i do remember him saying that Yamaha want him to ride the new Scorpa 250 which will be Liquid Cooled, personally reading between the lines, i think Mick wants to do the Pre-65 Scottish on either the Ducati or another bike,(Homer mode) possibly his old James, personally i would like to see him on the Ducati, why ? Well it's different, and we are going to see somebody riding the new Scorpa no matter what ! Also, yeah that little Scorpa had to be looked at to be appreciated, did you see the state of the rear tyre, it brought a hole new meaning to the word "WORN". I think (tis that Homer thing again) he said that it was a 143cc, and produced more power than a Honda RTL. (One Honda RTL for sale then !). Gaff.
  5. Hi Marky G, i was at the show myself, and was fortunate enough to have a brief chat with Mick, in his words IF he is to ride the 6-Days he will be riding the 4-stroke 250 Scorpa, and IF he was to ride the Pre-65 2-Days he may be using a beautifully restored Ducati or (i think) his old James. Gaff.
  6. gaff

    This New Fantic?

    About time we had a bit more spice within the world of trials, maybe there could be a pairing of Fantic/Lampkin again at the end of 05. Gaff.
  7. gaff

    Honda Tlr250r ?

    It's certainly a very different bike to ride in the weight, riding position and the way it responds. But the sound it makes, and the way it grips makes me beam from ear to ear. If i mess-up on the Mont i laugh, if i mess-up on the RTL i cry, hence it stays on the easies. Paul, where abouts are you ? Gaff.
  8. It's a funny thing, but everytime i try a newer bike they feel better than mine (a 2000 Montesa 315), then i get back on mine and it feels better still. I'm not saying that Montesa's are the best bike, but my bike is the best one for me, i'm thinking on changing soon, and the only bike i have ridden that i feel MORE confident on are Scorpa's. Gaff.
  9. gaff

    Honda Tlr250r ?

    The bikes that i have seen are down here in the south at Bat Motorcycles in Biggen Hill. Your not the only wobbler, i'm still trying to work out how to stay on the flaming things , my main bike being a 2000 Montesa (that may turn into a newer one or a Scorpa), the Honda RTL and CCM (that's in bits) i use on easy routes. Gaff.
  10. gaff

    Kawasaki Kt250

    Milly, i would have bought it, but when i found it it was fresh in from Japan, and they did not have a price, they offered it to me for
  11. I get the same trouble with my tubed tyres, was told to deflate, clear out resedue, dry and pump back upto around 20psi so that the tyre re-seats itself properly, so far so good. Got my first trial this week-end since last time it slipped, so i'll let you know if it happens again. Gaff.
  12. gaff

    Honda Tlr250r ?

    Your most probably right as in steering clear, i find it difficult getting bits for my RTL, let alone this one. But i'm still drawn to it ! if i was to buy, i may well use it for long-distance trials, and most probably experiment with sprocket sizes. TL Paul, where did you see the bike you tried ??? Gaff.
  13. Had a question put to me the other day, and want to see what you lot know, if you were to leave a plate or two out of the clutch pack, would it make it softer ??? Don't go slating me, i was just curiuos what the result would be. I personally have no problem with mine (being a Haven pack). Gaff.
  14. gaff

    Tiger Cub

    Hi Ian, i have seen these bikes go for as little as
  15. Have you tried "Bultaco UK Ltd", on (01784) 440048, there web site is www.bultacouk.com Or "Mainly Spanish" on (01425) 611287, web address being www.mainly-spanish.com Good luck. Gaff.
  16. gaff

    Honda Tlr250r ?

    Thanks for the tips and advice, what i have been told is that these bikes were the forerunner to the RTL ???, and also the two that i have seen are dated as 85's (one being regestered on a "C" plate, which if memory serves me correctly is August 85 till July 86). Also, as "t-shock 250" and "TL Paul" have said, that this is more trail than trial, which means i would need to remove the lights, wiring loom, ignition and change the sprocket sizes, and as for spares, starting to sound like more trouble than it is worth. Thanks for your time. Gaff.
  17. gaff

    Honda Tlr250r ?

    Just found a mid 80's Honda TLR250R 4-stroke Mono-shock. Whats your knowledge on these bikes, and what are they like for spares ??? Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  18. gaff

    Tlr 250 Parts

    Try Pete at PJB Trial Sport on (01543) 373337, or go onto www.lewisportusa.com Gaff.
  19. Just keep with the easy route untill you feel confident, it will come back. I hurt myself in 96 (disslocated and paralized my left arm), got back on a bike in 2002, and in 2003 i ended up coming 2nd in my class (okay, it was the easy route, but it gave me one hell of a confidence boost). Gaff.
  20. Mick, Sorry, accidently deleted my post, those numbers again are :- Pete at PJB Trial Sport on (01543) 373337. Sammy Miller on (01425) 616446. And www. lewisportusa.com for the RTL footpeg conversion. Gaff.
  21. i was told years ago that the front wheel starts and finish's the section, so on that basis i would have given the rider a clean. Gaff.
  22. Watching "Bikes Aloud" on the Men & Motors channel this evening and just caught a snippet about someone in America (i think), who has built an Electric Trials Bike, is this a one-off that he has built, or is he going to market them, any-body know anymore ??? Gaff.
  23. Gary T, click onto www.motorbiketrials.com and look-up the calender and you'll find that there is something going on each Sunday in the South East, also on the same site you can find a couple of trials dealers, one being "Intatrials" (down the M20 in Maidstone), and the other being "Stephens" in Bexleyheath, (which is virtually in London, they have just re-located there so there web-site may not be up to date yet !). Gaff.
  24. Must say despite the engine being more Trail than Trial, i'm still waiting to have a try on one of these bikes, 125 and hopefully a 200, might just get me off of my trusty Montesa. Gaff.
  25. Is that the four holes in the seat of the fender, leave them open but do as Subira has suggested and put mesh over the inside of the holes, this is something i keep meaning to do my-self. Subira, what type of glue do you use. Gaff.
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