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Everything posted by gaff
  1. gaff

    Kawasaki Kt250

    Thanks guys, and thanks especially to Feetupfun. Let you know what happens. Gaff.
  2. Bob Abell, i think you have just answered why my own bike would not start up this afternoon, (tempted fate after putting responce to this thread) i spent the afternoon tinkering with my bikes, 1st job was to put a new (wet) air filter in my Montesa, then quickly start the engine to warm and thin-up oil to ease draining, 1st time in eighteen months the bike failed me, went in doors to have a good sulk for a bit (like grown men shouldn't) then went out and checked for spark, to which there was plenty, put the plug back in and jumped out of my skin when the bike started 1st kick. Was totally baffled untill 5 minutes ago. Thankyou. Gaff. PS. Wonderboy do you have the rubberised foam strip stuck to the under-side of your fender that seals the gap between the fender and top ridge of the air box ???
  3. Must admit, i had the same view on 125's untill last year when i tried a friends Gas Gas 125, i was absoluty amazed at what i could do with it, since changed my mind. Gaff.
  4. Rev'er, Been using PJ1 filter spray on my 2000 Montesa for the last eighteen months with no problems, does the filter itself need replacing, does Gavin clean the air-box and not just the filter or worst still does the air-box have any descreet splits in it ? Gaff.
  5. gaff

    Cagiva Dg350

    Duckwizard, recently found an old issue of "Dirt Bike Rider" that had a bike test of the then new Cagiva DG350, if your interested, e-mail me your land-line phone number, and i'll see if i can get it copied for you. Gaff.
  6. gaff

    Kawasaki Kt250

    Just found a Kawasaki KT250 (age un-known), toying with buying and restoring it. The bike has obviously been stood for many years, and there is a hole knocked into the right-hand casing that i can put the tip of my index-finger through (this could be repaired or replaced), but saying that, the bike does have a good compression and looks as though it is complete, even has the original fenders and not much wearing-off of the decals. Also there are two cables going into the top of the right casing, one's the clutch (?), but whats the other ? Lastly, what year/years were they made, what is spare's availabillty like and are there any web sites for these bikes. Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  7. Point of interest, i heard recently that Honda had bought Beta, correct me if i am wrong please, but if true Beta would benifit greatly still. Gaff.
  8. Rabie, thought i reconized you ! Well done. Gaff.
  9. Had my first trial on a 4-stroke (87 RTL) over Christmas, and although i could not help but compare to my modern mount, (as in weight and responce) i just loved the way the power seems to come from nowhere, extra traction and the way it just stops on the spot when you close the throttle quick. All i need to sort-out/master is that flaming "spit-back". Gaff.
  10. Windlestone, i've never ridden an SWM, what you doing next Friday, i won't tell my Mrs if you don't tell yours. Gaff. PS. I agree with NGK.
  11. According to this weeks "Motor Cycle News", as follows :- Thursday 8th, Men & Motors, 6pm, 2004 ITWC. Friday 9th, Men & Motors, Noon, 2004 ITWC. British Eurosport, 8am, ITWC. (Monza, Italy). Saturday 10th, Men & Motors, 8pm, 2004 ITWC. Sunday 11th, Men & Motors, 3pm, 2004 ITWC. British Eurosport, 1pm, ITWC. (Koblenz, Germany. LIVE.).(Who's coming round for beers ???). Monday 12th, British Eurosport, 11.45am. (Koblenz). Wednesday 14th, British Eurosport, 10.30pm. (Koblenz). Loads of other bike related stuff is listed, but this is all the trials. Gaff.
  12. Well done Dougie !!! Fantastic team work from Andy and r2w. Thankyou. Gaff.
  13. I personally can't see any-thing wrong with the 12345 approach (admitted, i'd have a lot more 5's in my results, as would every-body else). Also, how many riders have actually marshalled at meetings. Only just marshalled a trial that had side-car units involved, i soon learnt that the riders had the same rules as a solo-rider (1235), BUT if any part of the passenger touched the ground/tree was an instant 5 (That caused some arguments). Gaff.
  14. gaff

    Rtl Air Filters.

    Just curious, what air-filters do you lot use in your RTL's, currantly i'm using a Montesa 314's, not a great fit, but is what i have been advised to be the closest thing. Thanks in advance. Gaff. PS. Happy New Year.
  15. Just to let you know that the bike was okay for the week-end and that the "Plumber Tape" worked a treat with no leak at all. Now all i need to do is sort out a new drain-plug and O'ring when able to. Thanks again. Gaff.
  16. Well, i got the usual shirt, jumper, socks etc etc, But, i did actually get a bike for Grimble. Took it for a spin in the after-noon, went well untill the cat chased it's pull-cord, oops, think i've said too much !!! Gaff.
  17. Highside, diolchiadau :beard: PS. It went pride of place next to the 'Tiolet Duck' Gaff.
  18. gaff


    I added another head gasket to my 315 with no problems to report, it lowered compression and stopped that pinking/knocking noise i used to get whilst giving the bike a hand-full of throttle. Gaff.
  19. To Everyone. Merry Christmas and a Happy Feet-up New Year. From Gaff and Mrs Gaff.
  20. gaff


    Also on the curious point, are there any real differences between the Montesa 315 and Honda's RTL250R (same bike in Japan, check www.ataq.qc.ca/musee.htm ) apart from stickers. Gaff.
  21. Thanks for the advice guys, i'll try D.Sileo's approach first (just to get me through my 1st trial on an RTL, i'll keep you posted), then look into Ishy's answer when Christmas is over. Thanks again. Gaff.
  22. Help please, the drain plug no my 87 RTL keeps leaking, casings look fine as does the thread on the bolt, surfacings look clean and un-tarnished as does the rubber gaskit on the inside of the bolt ??? Any ideas ! Any advice would be welcome. Thanks in advance. Gaff.
  23. I was advised to use an SAE 30 mono-grade in my RTL, have not used the bike in anger yet, but advice came from a reliable source. Gaff.
  24. Hi all, just got here onto TC, i'm a tad dwunk at the moment, and tis the night before my last trial of the year, so i would like to say a big thanks to Andy for a stirling job, and keep up the good work. Gaff. PS. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. PPS. And well done "Welsh rider" on your "Avatar of the Year Award".
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