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old bones

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Everything posted by old bones
  1. Many Thanks Dave Dix will give it a go OLD BONES
  2. Hope someone can help with what may be a fairly easy solution that is how to fit a stop button to my cota 200, there is one wire that comes from flywheel/points within the engine and runs up to the coil under the tank .Is it just a case of joining to this wire and then to a button on the bars? I haven't got a diagram is there one on the web I have looked but cant find one . Any help would be appreciated. OLD BONES
  3. Many thanks axulsuv I have contacted Falcon Shocks after firstly looking at the web site so thanks again for the info.
  4. I would like to replace the rear shocks on an early Cota 200. The ones that are fitted at the moment are not original, they are 385mm with the bike on the floor, the springs foul the chain and the rear end looks too high. I think the Betor gas shocks look OK but I'm not sure of the length I would need. Does anybody know the original length of shocks that were used or an alternative make that would fit. (I want to try and avoid the springs hitting the chain) Thanks in advance. OLD BONES
  5. I've aquired an early cota 200 and would like some advice on the spacers in the front wheel between the fork legs .Either side of the front hub there are spacers which are obviously home made and dont seem to fit that well. Before I set the wheel up and do all the measuring I thought that it might be quicker to ask if anybody knew the proper length? Is there one each side or only one? Many thanks OLD BONES
  6. Many thanks Odgie and Subira Your advise was most welcome and with the help of the diagram I can work out what will happen (in theory) if I do a sprocket change. But most of all, now I know its not critical to fit the WR internals. Perhaps I will ride it a few times and see how it goes Thanks again Old Bones
  7. My recently finished cub still has road gearbox internals with 13t drive and a large rear sprocket (cant remember how many teeth it has!) would the fitting of wide ratio parts be of much benefit bearing in mind that I am returning to trials after a long lay off so consider my self just above novice standard, are the parts available ? and a rough cost ? In conversation at a trial it was suggested that there was a way to achieve the lower gearing by fitting Bantam parts does anybody know if this is possible and what would be involved. Any advise gladly accepted
  8. Thanks Vinied For your reply ,Im sorry for the delay in thanking you for the details of the jets to use in the carb ,Ive had the hard drive on the computer go faulty so Ive scrounged an old lap top from the wifes brother. Ive ordered the jets you suggested and along with the other suggestions I should have a good chance to sort it out and get it to run. Regards OLD BONES PS The needle with two grooves above the 3 circlip grooves is for a 4 stroke (thanks to surry cycles for info)
  9. Many thanks Totalshell and Alan for your advice I will try and carry out your instructions asap,Ive looked at some previous postings and one suggestion was, that the needle with two rings on the top is for a twostroke so I will get this checked as well. Alan Im not sure about the blowlamp trick sounds a bit iffey to me but perhaps if I get really desperate it might be worth a try ( I'll be checking the home insurance tonight or should I say The Wife Is!!). Any way thanks ,If anybody feels like suggesting further possible cures , feel free , The more I have to check the greater the chance of solving the problem. Ta, Old Bones
  10. Thanks Vinnied & Odgie for your replies Have stripped the carb and all looks clean but I havent blown it out with air yet . as requested here are the numbers of the bits that are fitted, The carb number is 622/L301. Main jet is 100. Needle jet 105. Slide has two markings, Im guessing the 4 in a milled circle is the size and the other which is cast in looks like MB1. The needle has the clip in the middle of three grooves there are no numbers but it does have two lines at the top as if another groove could be milled at this position. Hope this helps all suggestions gratefully received. OLD BONES
  11. can any body point me in the right direction ? I have just finished a cub ,it has had the engine rebuilt ,with PVL ingnition and a new concentric .I have fired it up and although it starts, it starts with dificulty. I started to adjust the carb ,you know screw in throttle stop adjust slow running and so forth then I noticed the choke was on as soon as I pull the choke off it dies and will not run. Has anybody got an idea? Have I missed something? Thanks in advance OLD BONES
  12. Hi Vinnie Just measured the shocks on my cub they are Betor gas shocks and are 14 inches center to center with the wheel off the deck (bike still not finished so its on the bench ) Old Bones
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