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  1. I spoke to a nice chap at Allens Performance, he sold me a 2.5 - Seems my carb is off an old Beta Rev4.
  2. Very true, I think I'll just buy a new one, the trouble is I don't know which one to get? I think, from what I've read it looks like a 2.5 but just need someone with a bit more knowledge than I to confirm
  3. Very true! Yet another one of my stupid questions! Hypothetically speaking if you were going to order a replacement float valve for a Mikuni VM26 would you get a 2.5? Oh and if anyone uses a "Smart Watch" I've designed a watch face
  4. I have no idea what anything is worth I'm trying to justify spending £12 on a new float valve.....
  5. Went into the garage today to attempt to discover why my carb appears to have magical powers. Insomuch as it manages to p*** more fuel out of the bottom than you put in to the top. I should patent it and sell the design to Shell? I got side-tracked by what @section swept said......Damn you! Other stuff I found.....and am willing to part with. I think this is off a Montesa judging by the gas cap? Now I had to cut a holly tree that was growing through this...I also have the frame for it, see the first page. If anyone is interested in the chair and frame, let me know
  6. I wish! I could have saved myself a lot of money I had a garage clear out years ago when I never thought I'd get round to fixing it, a pair of forks, triple tree, rear wheel, clubfoot exhaust, airbox and seat all went in a skip
  7. I've got an original 199 front wheel and hub/brake in the garage so I'll have look tomorrow
  8. Thanks for that, I'd actually thought about getting some larger than standard roundels made as per my avatar! Of memory serves the recesses are about 50-ishmm across, I was thinking the only decals would be some 60-75mm green and white stickers (there a company about 5 minutes walk away that does graphics, quoted me about £12 for the pair! As for the front brake, you are an observant one aren't you and you and @woody are so very close, it's a 199 with a 199-A engine and I think it's an M49 front end! If anyone wants a 49 front end swap I'm open to it
  9. Hi John, many thanks for your kind words, they are greatly appreciated I've realised during this process, you need, patience, time and money. Patience I have in spades, it's just the other two I'm struggling with at the moment! Although that said, progress has been made, yet still lots to do! @stpauls said "Bultacos should be red. The blue ones just don't look right." and @thai-ty said "Bultacos should be blue with a white frame. The red ones just don't look as good.." errrrrrrm it's British Racing Green.... .
  10. Cheers for that Graham, luckily enough I live not too far away from the company I purchased it from, so I popped down there this morning and they swapped it over for a nice shiny new one that has better welds on it too
  11. Hi guys, just checking in and to have a small rant You may have noticed that between the first post in this thread and this post it's been.....a while...... and I'll explain a little bit why, I am the sole carer for my darling wife who has a severe spinal condition so I'm restoring my bike when I can and when I can afford it. I was luckily enough to be able to afford a new exhaust mid section at the start of March, so I ordered one from a company (I'll not name names until it's resolved but I will say it WASN'T Inmotion) and got the right royal run around about how there was no current stock but they'd have some in by the second week of March. The second week of March went by and still no word, so another email was sent, a week later I was told that they were having some more made and it should be with me at the start of April............. Long story short, it arrived today, hooray! Except no, not really hooray, it's got some terrible gouges out of the metal on the outside and these are consistent with the marks in the packaging from the manufacturer and not from the delivery company, I know it's cosmetic but when you've saved up for something, you'd want it to arrive in pristine condition. Oh and I'm no expert but some of the welds look a bit shady too.
  12. I am back with more stupid questions! Does anyone have any chain recommendations? I'm looking at the 520 Regina gold one that InMotion sells, are these any good? Also what's a good length, the manual says 52, my old chain was 49 so I'm a little confused any help greatly appreciated. If it's any help the front sprocket has 12 teeth, rear 40. Cheers.
  13. After 26 years of sitting, neglected, in the garage............ IT STARTS!!!!! Three things happened at that exact moment in time, a grown man had a little cry, the dog started barking and I deafened myself as I was in a relatively enclosed space with no exhaust pipe on it! Thanks for everyone's help, expect many, many more stupid questions in this thread
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