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  1. Yeah, the frame nr. is * VNBS108TR3009755* so should indicate it really is an 03 But luckily got to bend the pipe and the cleacence is 3-4mm, so not the best but it's not touching anymore! Maybe I'll change out the hose as well. I was also wondering what the gearing should be, mine is 10 - 42 but in first gear and idle it felt a bit fast but I'm totally new to trials so I really don't know If anybody has a manual for them, I'd be really happy, so far I've only found the parts list PDF but any other informantion is so hard to come by.
  2. Thanks, gonna try it tomorrow, poor thing has see some horrible neglected life so trying to get everything sorted as I go!
  3. Hi everyobdy, recently boughed a Sherco 0.8ST (add said 2008 but since it has 19" and 17" wheels I'm guessing more like 2003!!!) But the biggest problem I see is that the exhaust runs next to the coolant line, do you think it's been hit or what's wrong... I'm pretty sure it's not supose to be that close!
  4. andrep

    Budget Trials Build

    No, I´m torquing it by holding the flywheel from the holes drilled and tapped. I´m not going to be really doing any seriouse riding with it, just want to finish something I started almonst 10 years ago! And planning to buy a proper factory built bike once I get this build sorted Yes it´s shouldn´t but the original cracked when I forgot to tighten the flywheel and got it started the first time... so had to make a new one but I´m guessing it´s just isn´t strong enough, will try with a new one tomorrow!
  5. andrep

    Budget Trials Build

    Okay, thanks for that, I´ll buy new bearings for the cranksaft and but it all back together and we´ll see how it works. Taking it apart I broke the flywheel alinging pin again! Don´t know what material I should make it next but hopefully another steel one will work now
  6. andrep

    Budget Trials Build

    And is it okay if the needle (without the slide) falls in to the needle jet till the clip stops it?! Shouldn´t it tottaly close way before that?
  7. andrep

    Budget Trials Build

    Short brake again but I come bearing bad news... I just had an idea to see if the cranksaft bearings are any good and found the Beta has a side-to-side movement in the cransaft... and as much as I know this shouldn´t be like that. So today I took out the engine and cracked it open. It´s wierd, cause everything has been changed not long ago, all the bearings look good and the seals also... so now I´m just lost, is it possbile the bearings are aftermarket and wrong size. They´re YOKO 6305.
  8. andrep

    Budget Trials Build

    Aahahaha, this was the work of my mate, there´s actually three ? He is very amusing ... not, but good attention to detail! ?
  9. andrep

    Budget Trials Build

    What are you reffering to this time?
  10. andrep

    Budget Trials Build

    GOOD NEWS! It´s alive!!!!!! Finished welding the exhaust today and once this was finished started playing around with the engine. Turned out to be a bad ignition coil, it sparked a few times but then stopped working, once I changed it, sparks were strong and constat! First start lasted 15-20 seconds and then ended in a bang and died. Tried to kickstart it again and the lever felt odd and engine sounded wierd also. Turned out the flywheel came loos and also snapped the wedge so REALLY enjoyed making a new one -_ - smallest piece I´ve ever fabricated Now the carb needs tuning and this is ...well, new to me I think it´s lean, because as soon as I switched off the choke it died. Took it apart also, just to be sure that all the jets were clean and while I was at it, rised the needle one clip (now in the second slot from above) The fuel that was in the tank had also sit for a year so called it a day, carb is back on and I´ll start reading about this stuff and will also take new petrol with me Still really happy that it started after 10 or more years of sitting in pieces and hopefully the clutch and gearbox work also
  11. andrep

    Budget Trials Build

    Hahahaa, yeah, it´s really been awhile!!!! I actually have no clue how it´s going to effect performance but at this point I´m just trying to make stuff happen. Are you referring to the pipe size or something about the length, width...?
  12. andrep

    Budget Trials Build

    Well, this small brake turned into a year... almost But, all is not lost, just been extremely busy and been dealing with all kinds of other stuff, today felt like a good time to pick up this build. I haven´t been to the garage almost half a year, was happy to find everything in place and nothing stolen Now I finaly got gas for the welder and switched out the wire, dear lord, it´s a complitly different machine now!!! Filled the gearbox with ATF and hopefully it will start working, so as soon as I finish the exhaust I´ll try to get it running before building anything else (maybe just the subframe so I could push-start it) Made an exhaust flange from 5mm steel and cut up the donor pipes. Now it´s starting to look like something... Just need to properly weld it up and make a bracket or two and deal with the muffler once the subframe is finished...
  13. andrep

    Budget Trials Build

    Hey guys, haven´t posted for some time. Tried to get the MX5 out of the garage only to find out the alternator had rusted shut, so took it apart and cleaned everything but it´s still not charging so I´ve been dealing with this and some mold + rust and well, just maintenace in general because I want to have it wokring properly although last year didn´t really drive it. But, there´s heaps of space in the garage now, though I also have to rebuild the tail on my Jawa, because we´re going on an anual oldtimers ride in the end of this month. SOOOO, a small brake from the Beta but will be getting back to it as soon as possbile. ALL THE SPACE!!!!
  14. andrep

    Budget Trials Build

    Small steps after a long time. Started on the exhaust, I´ll be basing it on a Husqvarna WR250 and hopefully make it fit. The clutch is still a concern, even when compressing to lever on the engine it won´t fully disengage, so I´m quessing I should take it apart again and give it a proper cleaning, especially the plates between the disks. Also tried to check the timing but the borrowed strobe didn´t work, so waiting on another friend to help me out
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