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Everything posted by madalec
  1. There were a couple of showers and some drizzle but it wasn't too bad. One of the fives Bou had was a big off on a huge rock in section 4, Fuji also fived it. Forecast for tomorrow is dry weather
  2. I dealt with them about 3 years ago when I had a couple of old Fantics and they are fantastic, great service, friendly advice and quick supply.
  3. This isn't really a thumb brake, but it sounds as though it's what you're after http://www.clake.com.au/
  4. Awesome photos and I would guess it would have been an awesome experience riding amongst the wildlife
  5. Some great pictures I went to my one and only Scottish in 82 so it brings back fond memories. I also took a few pictures myself on a borrowed 35mm camera, unfortunately I thought the film was rewound and opened the compartment, wrecking almost all of the pics. I'll see if I can find the one or two that survived. Also remember Paul Sagar was riding that year, I knew Paul as I used to ride in North Wales. Cheers Tony
  6. madalec

    Ssdt Videos

    While were on the subject of photos, does anyone have the YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE calendar? I was wondering where the May photo was taken, it looks like the Scottish pre 65 to me but I am interested in knowing the exact location and I am sure someone who is addicted to the Scottish would know
  7. madalec

    Ssdt Videos

    Gotta agree, fantastic photos and videos, and not only that you have gone to the trouble of naming all the photos and adding titles to the videos. LEGEND.
  8. Yeah cmon guys, we've done our bit. Can someone else transfer some of these onto the web
  9. I'll go with 7) War film collection
  10. Section 10 appears to be worse, only 2 riders got through for less than maximum on the 1st lap
  11. Yes it refreshes the page quite often and updates the scores then. I noticed that Grimbo was riding, but it shows that he has missed a few world rounds. I presume that these scores are correct, it's certainly a great service if they are.
  12. Try this link http://swan.logon.co.nz/event_search.php?SCOM=LIVE From the Trials Australia forum, not sure if its been posted here before Dougie doesn't look to be doing so well James D, Michael B and Alexz W are performing well
  13. It was towarads the end of the ceremony, just before the athletes parade. The Trials riders were on with the ballet. I didn't hear the commentators over here mention them, but they were in the spotlight and this must be the biggest ever audience for anything remotely to do with Trials. Apparently there were 16 riders in all, but as PA noted Trevor Campbell took the lead role and circled around a dancer before leaving the stage.
  14. By the way how is the Scorpa going? I bet it's a bit easier to get around on than the old Yammy! Shame it's not a Beta though
  15. Mark, I can convert them to DVD if you wish? I have completed a couple recently and they seemed to work fine. I am going to the practise day on Sunday at Jarrahdale if you want to bring them along. Cheers Tony
  16. The guy on the Italjet (green) must be Bernie Schreiber. The guy on the Beamish Suzuki (yellow bike), John Reynolds and the guy doing the nose wheelie on the oh so light bike is none other than Eddie Lejeune. The kid with the 'silly dab' on the Blue Bultaco is Steve Saunders Third pic, guy standing without helmet in Blue riding gear Yrjo Vesterinen I think Not sure about the others, apart from Mick Andrews that is. What year were these taken. I went to a kickstart in the early eighties, I must admit I am not sure of the year but I do have some pics that I could scan. I was very impressed with Schreiber and Lejeune the year I went, they were both nose wheelying down the hills and I had never seen anyone do it before that.
  17. Exceuse my ignorance, but where was it?
  18. So what's the 05 review like then, apart from the commentary? I have been debating whether to get it this year as it has been steadily getting worse since 02. Last years was more like a Holiday DVD as they spent too much time with footage of the area of the trial and also wasted (I beleive) time filming the podium. There was very little action in other words! The Duluth 04 DVD on the other hand, was absolutely fantastic and I will be certainly picking up the 05 version soon. Cheers Tony
  19. madalec

    Scot Trial

    What happened to James Dabill?
  20. Are there any dates for next years Indoor WTC available yet. I noticed Dougie's hospitality advertised and wondered if the date of the Sheffield round has been decided. I am back in the old country over Christmas and was hoping that I may catch the Sheffield round.
  21. Got to agree with Boofont, too much Ary Farty stuff and not enough real action. They need to look at the Duluth World Round 04 DVD. Top stuff, best I have ever seen. It must be as close as possible to being there! The World Reviews have been gradually getting worse. I know they have 10 or so rounds in 90 minutes, but at least 5 minutes of each round is taken up by shots of the surroundings, paddock and podium. NOT ENOUGH ACTION. They should make it at least 2 hours and only show a graphic of the results and no arty farty. There that's my rant, I don't think I will buy this year's. Whereas I am looking forward to the 2005 Duluth World Round DVD
  22. I'm another who crests the brow this year, in August. Training Day sounds great
  23. Look here for Camozzi, there are some pics of him on a Fantic, but I don't know what year! http://www.camozzi-trial.com/plugins/photo...phie&mode=thumb
  24. I have the standard Hebo helmet, which I think is the same as the Raga Replica, but unpainted and you can definitely take the lining out and wash. Just did it the other week as mine was starting to walk on it's own. Tony
  25. Hi just wondering if anyone out there knows the model number/details of the rear wheel bearings for this Fantic? (White with Blue/Yellow tank) I am hoping to source the wheel bearings locally if possible! I also need other parts such as sprockets, but I am going to contact Bill Pye for those as he was able to supply them for my old 303 Fantic. The other issue I have is with the clutch, it doesn't seem to fully disengage (don't know if that's the correct term, but the wheel rotates when the clutch lever is fully against the handlebar) Someone suggested taking the clutch apart and cleaning burs? Does this sound correct? I am not a mechanic, but want to sort this out if I can, so any help/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Tony
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