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  1. robido

    Tank repair

    J&c tanks are the best. As used by vesty
  2. robido

    Tank repair

    Alan o.conner. J&C fabrications. He's on facebook
  3. robido

    Tank repair

    Get an ally one from Alan o,conner amazing quality
  4. Try Steve gollings at villiers services. He's helped me in the past
  5. Look on trials tube at the latest video Danny tells you how to start a vertigo
  6. Try a thicker cylinder base gasket
  7. Put a extra base basket on will and make it softer and easier to start
  8. robido

    Brake drums

    It Can be done with wheel complete. Had my fantic done without stripping .
  9. Aspen fuel or classic fuel solutions five star with lead. Not cheap but no ethanol and doesn't effect paint or plastics
  10. In motion do them complete with seals
  11. robido

    Dented petrol tank

    Try Paul Davies at Cambridge trials
  12. Electrex world the best and easiest to set up. Not keen on pvl
  13. yes the same. Do you mean the tappet covers. If so Burton bike bits of ebay
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