Hello Everyone,
Just found the forums and looks great, just wanted to drop by and say hello.
Im Simon, im 36 and im from Blackburn in Lancs (sounds pretty much like an online dating profile doesnt it, promise im not here to try and have my way with anyone! ha), Ive had trials bikes right through from being 4 to about 18 (Yamaha TY's mainly), Then i went to college etc and discovered, beer, women etc! Now im married and have twins its time to stat again.
My Dad build and rides pre 65 trials, mainly builds bike from old Bantams, but recently started with some Japanese stuff too, i'll get some pics of his builds if anyone is interested?
I have a budget of around £1300 to start with a bike, currently thinking a Sherco is what i'd like, looking at around 2007 for that money? am i on the right track?
I know theres Darwen Trials club just around the corner from me, so i'll be going along to the next trial and trying to make some new freinds haha (i'll not be trying to hold hands with random people, so people of Darwen please dont worry haha).
Anyhow, i think my main worry is, am i to old?? Im pretty fit and im keen for trials to help me get fitter and hopefully get my twin girls into something outdoorsy that we can all enjoy together as they grow up, I know i loved riding with my Dad (still will when i get a bike).