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dave white

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  1. Hi Konrad, thanks for the reply, as it happens I have set both today the PVL and Electrex world recommendations with vastly different results After some experimentation I have now set it at TDC which gives me best of both worlds, clean slow speed running and the ability to allow it to “rev out” Ill ride it on Sunday and see how it performs in real time Thanks for taking the trouble to reply All the very best 👍
  2. Hello, I could do with a bit of help if anyone can assist please My trials Cub, has a PVL electronic rotor connected to an Electrex world cdi coil pack, unfortunately the chap who built it is no longer with us, so there is no way I can verify this. The two instructions from each manufacturer state different ignition settings BTDC My question is: Which setting would be best to set the static timing, the Electrex world at 6.5mm BTDC or PVL 1.8-2.2mm BTDC? I am led to believe that the PVL has little or no advance till 7000 rpm, but the Electrex world has the advance built into the coil pack Can anyone positively confirm or deny the above Any further help would be gratefully appreciated Many thanks
  3. Hi all, please could you be on the lookout for a stolen vintage James trials, maroon in colour with a Villiers 8E engine, please see picture attached If you are offered this bike or know of its whereabouts please contact Niel on 07881 900305 or Dave 07790 489970 with any information which will be treated in strictest confidence, a reward is offered for the return of this machine Many thanks for your help and cooperation in this matter
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