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  1. Hello here what i use and works great. I can carry 1 litre of fuel and a litre drink, spare clutch lever, cell, wallet, bike Reggie, tools. It’s comfortable and the quality is awesome. Bought from outlaw trials.
  2. Hello mark you never updated if you got gasgas head o-rings and part #. Are the 300cc same as 280. Thinking of removing my cylinder head and cleaning the carbon out. Cheers kim.
  3. Hey Devon first you need to find out which wire from your two wires which come from your 9 volt batt is + and negative. Can’t tell from your shot if your batt connectors can be seen. Mine has red and black wires, the small terminal on the batt is + you need to know for sure. May have to use a ohmmeter. When you find the + wire from the battery connect it to your red wire, then take the other neg wire from your battery and connect it to the green wire. Take the other black wire thats with the green wire and connect it to the black that is at the bottom of your shot or black of the factory harness. Connect the main connector back together and your headlight should come on when your switch or button is on. Cheers kim
  4. Gobig if you go to page 2 of 33 and check tr280 software you will see were you can order a cable and how i hooked it up. I got my terminals and connectors from corsa techinic.com. The drivers should load when you plug in the cable.
  5. Just a dumb answer, did you phone matt at dualsportplus. Cheer kim
  6. Hi phil do you think the fan is as noisy as before, I thought there was something special with the ossa fan becuase thay seem louder than other brands of bikes. Thought they had more rpm to pull air from in front of the gas tank. Oh well good to know you can still get a fan. Hope it cools as well. Cheers kim
  7. I had a 91 zero years ago had to rebuild the crank, piston previous owner forgot to add oil to gas. I got all my parts through outlaw trialsport. Dave was great parts almost over night and can answer all your questions. Cheer kim.
  8. Hello i was told by the ossa importer in canada that ossa pumps use a single lip seal and they made up a jig to go behind the drive gear to press off the gear. Then replace the seal with a double lip gasgas seal which is the same size as long as the shaft is not to grooved. Not sure if you would heat the gear in a toaster oven and pump in the freezer to put together cheers.
  9. I think mine said eco12 termignoni 300. Cheers
  10. I reset the tps and it controls all the tests fan, relay, fuel pump, clears codes, shows ecu data, hours. Dont have any calibrations, think i have latest.
  11. Corsa technic. Com they are hm sealed comes with terminals and seals great website. Cheers
  12. Hi shaun, I connected txd White on the bike to txd orange on the cable, rxd yellow on the bike to rxd yellow on the cable, 5+ white/blue on the bike to 5+ red on the cable, -5 volt black/yellow on the bike to -5 volt black on the cable. I took the left over green and brown on the cable and soldered them together, also put a small screw with a tether to pull on to release the connector when plugged into the bike as to not pull on the wires like said there very small. Yours has 6 pins so you know which are 12v - and+. Cheers. ?
  13. Finnally got to connect after ordering a ftdi usb to232 cable from ftdi which didnt work. I reordered a cable from elmwoodelectronic.ca which is a ftdi serial ttl 232 usb cable soldered on connector end, wires are very small will have to be gental with it. Iam using a dell with windows7 64bit, drivers loaded when i plugged cable in. ??
  14. Hello i tried the same ftdi cable 5volt usb to rs232 and could not connect. Tried with windows7 and older flaptop with vista still nothing. Reading about kokusan denki ecu also used by arctic-cat and others seems as they say they uses ttl interface which is a different ftdi usb to ttl232 serial cable. If someone with the btwice usb style cable could plug it in to there laptop and check the device manager should say in properties what the drivers make and numbers are. May say in the device page if the cable is ttl serial. Cheers
  15. Did you get rid if the 14 factory r.
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