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Everything posted by scratcher
  1. Hey Guys. Has any o you got access to gettin a new key..I broke mine in my steering lock,I forgot to remove n i turned the forks. And is their a location code for the key. its a ilco orion Italy YM 37P Hopefully someone can sort me out. djebel 250.. Thanks.
  2. yea me too.. im 6'5" im 66. just ordered 6 inch bars for my 4rt...do ye find it better
  3. yea,i was thinkin about them but ive now ordered a set of 6 inch bar..thanks..
  4. I bought a pitbike seat last week. 18 quid fae ebay..or 550 fae montesa..
  5. Im 6'5" n im looking for high rise fat bars 28mm if yer selling any..
  6. hi Guys ive 05 monty 4rt. wi 28mm fat bars can i get some sort of reducer to be able to use 22mm bars.. or Im looking for high rise. hopefully 6 inch fatbars 28mm. if anyone has any n willing to sell n post. or even a suitable pair o risers fur my own bars.. Cheers guys..
  7. For as Such as this is the Strengthen of your faith...did ye get yer clutch sorted..im in that trial right now
  8. chris...i contacted beta uk today, an the told me same part but part numbers changed..i ordered it..
  9. its not the gear on kickstarter...its the gear it turns
  10. hey guys, is the idle gear for a evo 4t 2009 different to a 2t. im trying to locate one if anyone knows any for sale..its for my 300 4t
  11. I have a 2009 evo 300 4t n it runs perfect.. thats 15 yr old.
  12. Do you leave the boxes blank that dont apply to you or ad N/A thanks
  13. Hi guys can anyone tell me or link me to rear wheel bearing for my evo 300 4t 2014. Or a part number of the bearing...n is the front one different or same size... Is their only one bearing on each side if the wheel or is there inner n outer bearings. ? Also is it only the 4t evo bearing that will do it example, will the 250 do the 300. N is 2t the same as 4t, n does it need to be exactly for the 2014..would other years still be the same.. Thanks guys.
  14. Hi guys. Im looking for a set of front pads for my 4ride...is the 4rt pads the same..
  15. scratcher

    Wont start

    Bikes all running fine after a few squirts o easy start n a clean filter...put some injection cleaner thru it. Jist needin a wee run out now...
  16. scratcher

    Wont start

    B40rt who are you...n are ye in motherwell
  17. scratcher

    Wont start

    Yea tried the reset. N ye think the bank sensor could be at fault..its started only fur a few seconds. But in reality i was using body spray not easy start..i will get some EASY START tomoro n give it a go..if i can get it to keep goin n keep sprayin it, it may pull the fuel thru n run on its own. I was thinkin it may have got a bit o water in the fuel some way but a doubt it..tank never went under..
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